
facing facts

moving beyond separation

putting it all together

stewards online network

our services

making it happen

frequently asked questions

spiritual activism


Making It Happen

" How can we help? Blame no one, and do something." Anne Lamott

If you're excited about what you see here, we invite you to join us and participate in the following ways. Contact us to:

Get information about setting up a group.

Subscribe to our Online Network: Simply mail to Stewards@tds.net and type "subscribe" in the subject line. E-mail us the names of your friends and we'll send them information, too. Feel free to share any information here.

Learn more about Socially Responsible Investing for yourself, your church, or your business. (Click here for links)

Volunteer with us. We can always use extra hands and hearts.

Services to Our Local Community

We offer workshops, lectures, and local discussion groups and support a variety of inter-faith eco/justice activities. The Online Network is tailored to our local community by sharing information about environmental and social justice events and news with faith-based groups and individuals.

Provide financial support. As a non-profit organization, we offer our services as a gift. Our work is funded through the generosity and vision of people who recognize the value and need for such an organization. We encourage you to consider making a tax-deductible donation to Stewards of the Earth to help us continue making these services available to an ever-widening circle of communities. Make checks payable to:

Stewards of the Earth

264 Chunns Cove Road Asheville NC 28805

For more information, contact:
Bob Jones, Executive Director
(828) 250-9116 or stewards@tds.net