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Starting a Group

How do I start a group in my Church or Faith Organization?

It's easy. Call a few friends you think have similar interests and get together to discuss the idea of forming a group. If there is sufficient interest, decide when and where to meet and how often. If you are doing this work in a faith organization, you should ask for the approval and support of the pastor/minister and/or the Board. You can notify others in your faith organization of your intentions and plans through bulletins, flyers, and announcements.

It's helpful to spend time at the beginning getting clear about your mision and purpose. Some groups focus mostly on social justice concerns while others focus on environmental issues, depending on the interests and passions of the individuals involved. Our church group developed a brochure which has been helpful in spreading the word about this work. The following is what we developed. Feel free to use any part of it which might be helpful.

Sample Church-Team Brochure...

Jubilee's Earth Team

OUR MISSION: We intend to co-create a positive and sustainable future for the earth and all life. We can do this by raising consciousness, empowering ourselves, and pursuing projects which support environmental, economic, and social endeavors that are earth-friendly.



To uphold our mission, we intend:

  • To create awareness and understanding of our inter-connectedness through education, discussion and study.
  • To pursue activities which will connect us with each other and the natural world.
  • To support our actions with prayers, love, and meditation.
  • To imagine and invent creative solutions to earth problems. Einstein said, "Problems cannot be solved on the same level of understanding in which they were created."
  • To provide a way for ourselves and others to use time, skills, and financial contributions to support local, regional and global projects.
  • To transform our attitudes and actions to support the self-healing of the Earth. As Gandhi said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world."
  • To simplify our lives and walk gently on the earth.
  • To reach out and encourage others to join us in these actions.


  • The environmental crisis is real.
  • We have an ethical and spiritual obligation to respond to this crisis.
  • We envision a better future and are empowered to make a difference in the world.
  • Environmental issues are inseparable from social and economic justice issues.
  • In our hearts, we have a deep knowing that the problems of humanity and earth are solvable.
  • We affirm that we are all one with God, each other, the earth, and all life.
  • Together we can develop the will to solve the problems of the earth using the present resources and technology.
  • We support non-violent actions.
  • This work is an important priority. We are committed to the necessary effort to sustain life for ourselves and future generations.
  • We affirm that living in harmony with natural cycles will increase our appreciation and enjoyment of life and enhance our well-being.

Our meetings include:

** An inspirational reading & shared silence
** Holistic conversation -- shared readings & reflective discussion
** Education -- sharing our wisdom or guest speakers
** Announcements
** Closing with gratitude and prayer

You do not have to be a member of Jubilee! to be involved.