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  Facing Facts

"[W]e believe in a universal force that, when activated by the human heart, has the power to make all things right...to renew the heart, renew the nations, and ultmately, renew the world."

Marianne Williamson, Healing the Soul of America


There can be no more debate on the issue -- our global home is in crisis and human behavior is the cause. The environmental crisis is the crisis of our age. In a time when we are losing species at a rate of one every twenty minutes, and our water, land and air are becoming increasingly toxic, we no longer can deny the problems. Yet, a sense of apathy and powerlessness seems pervasive. We realize we need to make major changes in order to reverse the damage and create a future for our children and our grandchildren, but we don't seem to know where to begin.

Intertwined with environmental degradation are a host of pressing social problems such as racism and poverty which must be faced and addressed if we are to have any hope of sustainable peace and true justice. We need a new vision of what we are capable of becoming as human beings, living in a sustainable relationship with the Earth.

Significant change is required at all levels if we are to survive. Such changes are very difficult when approached through the current mindset of a profit-driven, consumer-based society. We need to explore new ways to accelerate our evolutionary process- ways that honor all life.


"We must be the change we want to see in the world." Gandhi

This profound statement is one which very few of us have ever fully embraced or followed completely. We are clear we want change in the world, but we want other people to change, not us. We want corporations to change and be more responsible yet we are not always willing to become more responsible citizens or consumers. Perhaps the first thing we need to do is change how we think about ourselves, each other, our leaders and our relationship with the Earth. We also need to awaken to the fact that we are spiritual human beings who have creative genius and collective wisdom and who have the power to make a difference in the world. Do we truly want to live in a loving and compassionate world? If so, we must first become loving and compassionate ourselves. This is easier said than done.