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GMO-OMG: Movie Documentary by Jeremy Seifert

30 Oct 2014

GMO-OMG will be shown Thursday, October 30th at 6:00 pm in the Ferguson Auditorium on A-B Tech's Asheville Campus.

Genetically modified organisms have been artificially mutated by scientists in a laboratory by splicing genes from one living being into another. Not just from the same species. Not even form the same kingdom. These agroindustry scientists have put animal genes into plants - like "modifying" strawberries by adding fish genes to their DNA, for example, and changing tomatoes by adding genes from a pig!

Genetically modified food crops are the genetic engineering products that have been getting the most attention - because they are being sold to us to eat.

GMO's are created by the largest agricultural corporations, food giants like Monsanto. GMO's are very pervasive in our food system: 91% of conventionally grown soybeans are modified and 85% of conventionally grown corn is modified, according to the Center for Food Safety.

"But are GMO"s safe?"
"Are they killing off the honeybees?"
"How about the laws of evolution?"

The director of "GMO-OMG", Jeremy Seifert, a resident of Asheville, will be present to answer your questions and participate in discussion after the showing with permaculturist Allan Kennedy and organic farmer Francis Tacy.

GMO-Free NC and the March Against Monsanto will also be represented at the event, along with sustainable superhero Geo Green!

This film is presented by Green Power-Asheville, the student environmental group at A-B Tech

Come learn more about the basics of GMO's !!