Congratulations to all the Biltmore Lake Triathlon Finishers! We had over 200 competitors, including 18 relays. And a great thanks to the volunteers and sponsors who made the race possible. We're thrilled to have hosted such a success, and plan to make it a bigger event next year. To see Race results, click below:
Special Thanks to the
Biltmore Lake Club and the following sponsors
750 meter freshwater swim in Biltmore Lake. Race morning water temperature will dictate wetsuit legality under USAT rules but, they will more than likely be legal. Wave starts by age groups. Click here for a Swim+Run Map.
20 kilometers of hills through the rural Asheville countryside. A challenging all paved route with no "heart-breaking" climbs. The course is entirely on 2-lane country roads in the shadow of Mt. Pisgah and near Pisgah National Forest. Click here for a Bike Map and Crib Sheet.
5 kilometers starts uphill through Biltmore Lake neighborhood, and finishes on the flat and shaded woodchip trail circling Biltmore Lake. Two aid stations will be available. Click here for a Swim+Run Map.
Cash awards will be presented to the Overall top-3 males/females and Overall Masters male/female. Distinctive awards will go to the top 3 in 10 age groups male/female. Distinctive awards will also go to the top 3 Clydesdale (200+lbs) and Athena (145+lbs) finishers as well as the Overall male, female and coed relay.
A safe, well-managed USAT certified course with all participants receiving a synthetic performance T-shirt with race logo as well as a race goodie bag and post race awards ceremony with refreshments. There will also be door prizes, including a Desoto wet suit.
There are many lodging opportunities in and around Asheville.
For one of the finest, visit:
Triathletes: Receive a 5% discount at the nearby
Quality Inn & Suites by calling 828-684-6688.
This hotel is only a few highway miles from the race site.
The race site is located about 8 miles west of downtown Asheville at the Biltmore Lake Club. Take Interstate 40 West of Asheville, to Exit 44. Turn right onto Smokey Park Highway, which is also 19/23. Go 1 mile west to Sandhill Rd, then Left at the stoplight. Proceed one-quarter mile through one traffic light to reach Lake Road on the right. Parking is on the left in the BASF plant parking lot. (Volunteers will direct you) Afer parking, walk or bike one-quarter mile on Lake Road to reach the Biltmore Lake Clubhouse. Click here for a MapQuest Map.
Individual -$45 USAT member ($54 non-USAT)
Relay - $75 USAT members ($84 if anyone on the team is NOT a USAT member)
Late registration - $5 extra for registrations postmarked after 8/15/03
Packet Pick-Up and Last chance to register - Friday August 29, 4-8pm at Biltmore Lake.
Click here for a printable Entry Form or enter on
Click here for Pre Race Instructions (MS-Word)
Email contacts - and
For more information call 828-255-9860
Timing provided by: