Peace Pledge Order Form
Since September 11, 2001, we feel a greater sense of urgency about empowering more individuals to find their own ways to create peace. We would like to get as many cards out as quickly as possible. We can bypass the pricing structure below and will be happy to get cards out for the cost of mailing them. Donations are very much appreciated, however, as the per-card cost of printing new cards (especially the two larger ones) will be high.
Although we can offer the Peace Pledge wallet cards, bookmarks and postcards on-line, we don't have a way to accept payment on-line -- or to ship the cards to you on-line! This page can be printed out, filled in, and mailed to us with your payment. We will ship your cards promptly.
Here is a description of the three items:
The three items are all the same price per unit, with volume discounts as shown in the table below.
of Cards |
*Note: For lower card costs, please let us know if you represent a non-profit, if you are interested in "seconds," or if you have a larger order.
Here's the information we'll need to fill your order:
Name: ____________________________________
Organization (if any): ______________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Number of Peace Pledge Items you would like to order:
______ Wallet Cards
______ Bookmarks
______ Postcards
_______ Total Items = $ _________ (from table)
Shipping if Applicable + _________ (from table)
I would like to expand the peacemaking work of Peace Links-NC with my tax-deductible contribution of:
[ ] $10 [ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] Other: $_______
(Please make checks payable to Peace Links - NC)
Please mail your order to:
Peace Links-North Carolina
P.O. Box 2592
Asheville, NC 28802
Thank You!
Peace Pledge Card
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