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The ancestor of
the modern carrot.
DESCRIPTION: The broad 2 - 5" cream white flower-tops
are actually a compound set of many small flowers,
usually with one tiny reddish-brown floret in the
center. The leaves are 2 - 8" long and very finely
toothed, almost fern-like. The plant grows 1 - 3'
FLOWERS: May to September
HABITAT: Dry fallow fields, along roadsides and
waste places.
OTHER INFORMATION: This plant is very common along
roadsides where the flowered heads bob with the
wind of passing cars.
flower bud opens wide to the flat-topped
umbrel seen above, and then once the
fruits form it closes again, as if
protecting its seeds. If seen in
time-elapse photography, it would probably
seem to be 'flashing' pollinators.