Most plants are producers because they have
chlorophyll and produce their own food. A few, like
dodder are consumers in the sense that they derive
food from sources other than photosynthesis.
Indian pipe also has
no chlorophyll and feeds on dead plant material,
but dodder is a parasite of living plants, gaining
not just water and minerals (as in some mistletoe)
but actual carbohydrates.
Each year it produces seeds that fall to the
ground and germinate in the soil. The young dodder
is a 2-4 inch long threadlike plant which grows to
locate its host, then the tiny root system
eventually dies once the plant is firmly attached
to the host. The stem sends out suckers which gives
the plant its nourishment from the host this way.
Sometimes plastic-looking spaghetti-like masses
form that totally obsure the host plant. These
stems, lacking chlorophyll, are generally
yellowish-to-reddish, but sometimes are even white.
Then in late summer and fall the plant produces
numerous tiny white flowers. These flowers produce
the 2-celled fruit capsules which burst open to
release 1 to 4 seeds, which is the only way the
plant reestablishes itself each year.
It's interesting how dodder works. Dodder
seedlings must attach to a suitable host within a
few days of germinating or they die. The young
seedling is sensitive to touch and the stem gropes
in the air until it makes contact with a plant. The
contact is made firm by one or more coils around
the stem. If this plant happens to contain foods
suitable to the dodder then a secondary stimulus is
aroused which causes root-like branches to form
(called haustoria, from Latin - haurire, to
drink and are evolved from, or modified roots)
which penetrate the stem. The part of the plant
connected to the root system soon shrivels away so
that no soil connection exists afterward.
Because it twines around its host plant and has
flowers, it's also called "Love vine." Other names
for different species (some forming large masses)
include local names such as: strangleweed,
devil's-guts, goldthread, pull-down,
devil's-ringlet, hellbine, hairweed, and
devil's-hair. I guess the plants strange look and
the fact that it feeds off of some crop plants are,
i'm sure, part of the reason it is named so evilly.
Dodders lack chlorophyll since they've evolved
to gain sustenance from their host plant, but some
studies have shown that they may contain some
chlorophyll in the buds, fruits and stems. In fact,
intact plants when grown on sterile, solid mineral
cultures and under low light intensities, developed
both chlorophyll a and b. Those plants were
difficult to maintain for long periods of time
however. Chlorophyll degradation occurred rapidly
under full sunlight. It would appear that the
amount of food manufactured in these tissues is of
little significance to the survival of the plant
Dodder attacks a wide variety of hosts, wild and
cultivated. It is considered an intolerable pest to
crops such as alfalfa, onion, flax, clover, peas,
beans, potatoes and many more. It is particularly
troublesome where alfalfa, clover and onion are
grown for seed because dodder seed is difficult to
remove from the rest of the seed crop and thus
passed to next year's crops. Dodder seeds can also
be spread by irrigation water and in the manures of
livestock that have eaten infested hosts, like
alfalfa. Apparently dodder seeds can last up to at
least 5 years, dormant, waiting for the right
Gardeners can find dodder attacking ornamentals
such as chrysanthemum, dahlia, helenium,
Virginia-creeper, trumpet-vine, English ivy and
petunias. If you find dodder invading your garden,
it's best to destroy it along with its host plant,
because it rarely can be removed without severe
destruction anyway. Removal, especially those that
form large masses, thru chemical means are not only
limited, but nasty to use and sometimes destructive
to the plants they're intended to save. The best
removal should be done as early in the season as
dodder is discovered, before it goes to seed. If
the infested area is a new garden area, start
looking for more infestations each year for at
least 5 years.
There is some evidence that dodders are capable
of spreading viral diseases from one host to
another. Phytoplasma, the cause of more than 200
so-called yellows diseases (previously thought to
be caused by virus) are spread by dodder and other
means such as leafhoppers. Dodder has been shown to
spread the yellows disease pear decline, aster
yellows, tomato big bud, vinca virescence and elm
phloem necrosis. Also, certain destructive bacteria
have been found to be present in dodder.
In the wild, dodder probably doesn't get out of
hand because it doesn't have a decent means of seed
transport except in those species that infect the
plants which are eaten by deer (and the seed passed
on to the next group). There are several species of
dodder in the area, each difficult to distinguish,
but some have specific 'preferred' hosts. Besides
the human crops mentioned above, there are quite a
number of native plant hosts such as goldenrods,
smartweed and the pictured jewelweed. This list
includes even some of the more woody-stemmed plants
such as blackberry and reportedly some trees, but i
haven't found which species.
Now that i've painted a picture of strangling
parasitism for this pretty waxy-flowered plant
brother, let's see if it has a helpful side.
American Indians seems to have harvested the plant
while it was in flower, taking the whole plant.
They used the plants in a bath for the treatment of
tuberculosis. Early settlers, probably taking cues
from the natives, put fevered children in a similar
bath. It's unclear if this did much good. Indians
also thought the plant a useful contraceptive, but
i'm not sure used exactly how... topically or
internally or what.
A poultice made from the entire plant has been
used to treat bruises and insect stings. Also it
has been used as a bile stimulant and a laxative.
Chinese people have been observed gathering the
seeds which they used as an eye wash or as a tea
for urinary tract problems and one Chinese species
has demonstrated anti-inflamatory, cholinergic and
CNS depressant activity.
Note: Even though dodder is frequently
called 'vegetable spaghetti' in literature, it
earned that name because of the way it looks and it
is not generally considered edible.
Interestingly, according to the
Bride Magazine's Flowers and their
Meanings, the meaning of the dodder that
parasites thyme once offered as a gift indicates
"Baseness." Plants in the family as a whole
(Cuscuta) indicate "Meanness." All of which doesn't
bode well for the already pursued dodder as a
destroyer of crops, bane to the gardener, and
witchy mass of weirdness to the casual
(I'm unsure which are local and native to
Cuscuta Species
Local Name
C. americana
C. applanta
C. attenuata
Marshelder dodder
C. boldinghii
C. campestris
Known to attack peanut plants
C. cephalanthi
Buttonbush dodder
C. compacta
Compact dodder
Present in NC
C. coryli
Hazel dodder
C. cuspidata
Cusp dodder, cuspidate dodder
C. decipiens
C. epilinum
Flax dodder
C. epithymum
Clover dodder
C. exaltata
Tree dodder
C. glomerata
Cluster dodder, glomerate dodder
C. gronovii var. calyptrata
Cap dodder
C. gronovii
Common dodder, swamp dodder
Present in NC
C. harperi var. indecora
Showy dodder, pretty dodder, largeseed
C. harperi var. longisepala
Longsepal dodder
C. leptantha
Slender dodder
C. obtusiflora
Red dodder
C. planiflora
Smallseed dodder
C. pentagona
Lespedeza dodder
C. pentagona var. glabrior
C. pentagona var. pentagona
Field dodder, five angled dodder
C. polygonorum
Smartweed dodder
C. rostrata
Beaked dodder
Present in NC
C. runyonii
Runyon dodder
C. sandwichiana
Sandwich dodder
C. squamata
Scaleflower dodder
C. suaveolens
Alfalfa dodder, Sweet dodder
C. umbellata
Flatglobe dodder, bigflower dodder
C. umbrosa
Largefruit dodder
C. vetchii