Worth getting out
that magnifying glass and looking at up
Bedstraw Family (Rubiaceae)
This low-growing plant with erect tiny
flowers and even tinier stems grow usually in
clumps, else they might not get noticed. The
flowers are less than a 1/2 inch wide are pale blue
with golden centers and delecate and beautiful.
April to May
Grassy slopes and fields, thickets and
moist lawns with acid soils. Frequently in, or
around mosses.
The only medicine i've read about from
this plant is that the Cherokee, who used to be
prevalent in this area, used the slender
rhizome-root tea to cure bed-wetting, though i can
hardly imagine ripping up enough of this tiny
flowers roots to garner enough tea. Maybe the act
of harvesting this beautiful tiny child-like flower
is traumatic enough to get the kids in line.
Once you find a patch of these flowers along a
path or road-edge, you'll always look for them.
They're great, like the mosses that grow nearby, to
picturing yourself about 10 inches tall and wading
thru a field of them (before your nap in a moss