Most of the Macon Co. Services can be contacted at 828-349-2000
* The Macon County Sheriff's Department....349-2104
* Macon County Department of Public Health....349-9131
* Macon County Tax Office...............349-2144
* Public Broadcasting Service.
* Macon Co. Airport.......524-5529
* Macon Co. Search and Rescue Squad.
* Macon Co. Fire & Rescue Squad.
* Public Schools & Churches.
* Recreation Park with Swimming, Tennis Courts and Little League Ball.
* Medical Services.
* Macon Emergencies Services.
* Agriculture Conservation Service
* Civile Defense Service
* Department of Social Services
* Veterans Service Office
* Vocational Rehabilitation
* The Macon County Manager's Office..........828-349-2025
* The Alzheimer's Caregiver Inc. .......524-6319 or 1-800-522-2451
* The Macon Program for Progress Family Health Care