Macon Program for Progress 
Executive Director: Teresa Mallonee
Board Of Directors Chair: Lester Evans

Mailing:    	PO Box 700
Location:   	350 Orchard View Drive
	      	Franklin, North Carolina 28744
	      	Phone: (828) 524-4471 or 1-800-563-4022

MPP Office hours: 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Child and Family Services
New Horizons Center for Children and Families Contact: 828-524-4471.
Receptionist will direct your call to the appropriate person.
Head Start provides quality programs and services for families with children
age 0-5. Head Start and Early Head Start, Developmental Day, Extended
Day, Adult Development and Training, Information Highway Distance
Learning, and Region A Smart Start Training Services.

Head Start is a Federal program for preschool children whose families
meet income guidelines. Head Start helps all children to succeed.
Services are available to meet the special needs of children with
disabilities. Head Start Director: Susie McCoy Head Start Goals
include: 1. Help children gain skills and confidence necessary to be prepared to succeed 2. Provide opportunities for parents to become involved in Head Start 3. Support the child's social and emotional development 4. Encourage each child's cognitive, language and gross motor skills Early Head Start serves eligible families from pregnancy until child reaches
age three. Help is given to parents as they prepare for
appropriate care that is necessary for a new baby.
Early Head Start Director: Jeanne Roberts Early Head Start Goals include: 1. Works with parents to encourage development of secure relationships in out-of-home
care settings for infants and toddlers 2. Supports the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers by
promoting an environment that enables families and teachers to work together 3. Promotes the physical development of infants and toddlers Center Locations: Highlands Head Start..526-2753 Highlands Early Head Start..526-9938 Nantahala Head Start..321-9629 Nantahala Early Head Start..321-3409 Burningtown Head Start..524-4644 New Horizons I Head Start..524-4471 New Horizons II Head Start..524-4471 New Horizons III Early Head Start..524-4471 New Horizons III-A Early Head Start..524-4471 Pruett House Early Head Start..369-9990 Developmental Day-Contact: Stacy Schick. Services for children 0-3 with disabilities. Region A Training Center - Contact: Pam McDonald. Serving 0-5 child care providers
as a model of total interagency collaboration, consumer orientation, and single
stop service access. NC Information Highway Distance Learning Classroom - Contact Kristina Hughes.
Training opportunities via the Information Highway and classroom meeting space for
other community groups and organizations. Training dates must be reserved well
in advance.

Community Services
Support Our Students: Contact- Lenora Clifton; After school and summer activities for
youth in sixth through eighth grade. Volunteers and staff provide supervised
activities, field trips and community projects. WIA Job Training Services: Contact- Frances Dewitt; Assistance to adult clients in
basic education skills, GED, job search, and continued education.
Housing Services
HUD Section 8 Rental Assistance: Contact-Garry Roper. Financial assistance with
monthly rent and utility payments for qualified families and individuals. Housing Rehabilitation: Contact-Rick Norton. Home repairs and renovations for
qualified families and individuals. Home Buyers and Weatherization Program: Contact-John Fay. Education and guidance for
prospective first home buyers and assistance in making homes more energy-efficient.
Outreach Services
In Highlands: Contact-Claudette Burston In Nantahala: Contact - Shirley Baldwin Access for families and individuals to information about Macon Program for Progress
services as well as support services provided by other agencies. Special or Seasonal Programs: Contact-Teresa Mallonee or Glenda Sherman

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