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INFORMATION about Macon County North Carolina. Come and enjoy the natural beauty of the country side.

Macon County
North Carolina

named after Nathaniel Macon, a prominent North Carolinian who served in the U.S. Congress as both Speaker of the House and President Pro-Tem of the Senate.

FRANKLIN is the county seat of Macon county.
The site for Franklin was chosen in 1820. It was then named for a prominent North Carolina statesman Jesse Franklin. However the Macon County government was not organized until the year of *1829* and the county courthouse was constructed, at a coast of $3,000. With 517 square miles of area Macon County was on it's way to becoming the Eden of North Carolina.

Macon County is host to many kinds of recreational ACTIVITIESTo tell you of a few.
You can go take a hike, to enjoy the Great Smokey Mountains up close. Or how about a nice refreshing ride down the white waters of Western North Carolina? There are numerous private and public camp sites throughout Macon County. Each October we have the most marvelous aray of colors in our mountains, it becomes a camera bug's paradise. Fishing? Well the fish here can hardly wait to hook themselves a nice angler, and give them a day to remember. If all that tires you, how about a slow and easy canoe ride on the Little Tennessee River? Macon County has many small towns and villages to visit, some of the larger ones are Franklin,and Highlands. The Franklin Chamber of Commerce is located at 180 Porter St.,Franklin (ph# 828-254-3161 or you can try 1-800-336-7829) you will find the people there both friendly and helpful,they are willing and able to answer most any questions you may have about the area.The Macon County Historical Society is a good place to find out about Macon's history.
    By the way here is some histroy about a historical figure who once lived in Franklin, NC : Silas McDowell (1795-1879). He was a farmer, scientific observer, apple and grape grower, tailor, court clerk, writer, and man of letters. He originated the thermal belt concept and at least 15 varieties of winter apples. The site contains information on old apple varieties, early SE US botany, and rhododendrons. The site is: Silas McDowell and Southern Apples and can be found by: Visiting Mr. McDowell
Also last but by no means the least, for the miners and rock hunters (some of the largest
gems ever found in Western North Carolina was here in Macon County) can have a real enjoyable time. As can all that come to visit.

To be continued, but for now we leave you with this thought

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