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Don't get tangled in the Web
Take MAIN's "Web Intro" workshop
MAIN volunteer Scott Reese will conduct an introduction to the Internet workshop at the Hot Springs Elementary School Learning Center Feb. 23 from 3-8 p.m. (snow date: Feb. 24).
Coming from a background of pioneering Elektra Records' and Sony Records' Internet departments, Scott now runs his own web-authoring business, RESON8, which focuses on marketing alternative record labels.
Whether it's your web-navigation skills that could use a little sharpening or your email that could use some sorting out, we encourage you to register early as space is limited. Sign up via email or call 828-255-0182.
If leaving a voice message or sending an e-mail, please be sure to include the following information: - Name
- Daytime phone number
- Primary email address
- Are you a MAIN subscriber?
- Are you willing to volunteer?
Know someone who's not a MAIN user who would enjoy this workshop? Feel free to spread the word - all are welcome! The workshop will focus on basic Internet skills including:
- Internet Overview what the Internet is, what its not, how it works, and what it can do for you; privacy issues; the difference between the Net and member-only areas like those of AOL and Compuserve.
- Email Management setting up multiple users/accounts; sorting/filtering; address book management; free email accounts on the web; how to open attachments and when not to; and a brief discussion of the pros and cons of the major email applications.
- Web Browser Tour including explanation of toolbars, filters, preferences, and a brief discussion of the pros and cons of the major browsers.
- Navigating the Net search engines vs. online databases, search techniques, online chat & discussion boards, plug-ins vs. helper applications, and more.
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