Western North Carolina Citizens for an End to Institutional Bigotry
September 25, 2000  7:30 pm   UNC-Asheville Highsmith Student Center, Asheville, NC
"Why Educators Can't Ignore Indian Mascots" by Dr. Cornel Pewewardy

Biographical Sketch: Dr. Cornel Pewewardy

           Dr. Cornel Pewewardy is Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching and Leadership, School of Education, University of Kansas where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Multicultural Education and Culture and Education of Indigenous Peoples. His adjunct instructor appointments include Harvard University School of Education Summer Principals' Institute; Union Institute; University of Minnesota, University of Oklahoma,, Cameron University, and University of Sciences and Arts of Oklahoma. He holds a Doctor of Education (D.Ed.) in Educational Administration from The Pennsylvania State University.
          In 1990 Dr. Pewewardy started two innovative magnet schools in the Saint Paul (MN) Public School District: The World Cultures and Languages Magnet School and American Indian Magnet School. He is particularly interested in how ethnic-centered schools can function productively within larger public school systems. Dr. Pewewardy has served as consultant to numerous school districts on the education of ethnic minority youth, curriculum development, and psychological impact of ethnic stereotyping on children.
           In the past five years Dr. Pewewardy's scholarly activities have focused on linguistic imperialism, critical pedagogy, multicultural education, and culture and education of Indigenous Peoples. He is currently studying and writing about why educational institutions use Indigenous Peoples as sport mascots in school-related activities. For his work radio and television stations, magazines, and newspapers throughout the country consistently seek his advise and comment on these topics.
         Active in participatory research, a writer, lecturer, and performing
artist, Dr. Pewewardy brings together his overall experience as a former kindergarten teacher, coach, guidance counselor, mentor, educational specialist, principal, and as a post-doctoral research fellow to infuse a holistic paradigm across the curriculum in teacher preparation formulating a knowledge for teaching diverse populations--helping to create instructional leadership for the 21 st century.
         Dr. Pewewardy has been the recipient of various honors and awards, including the 1999 Big XII Indian Faculty Member of the Year; 1999 Wordcrafter of the Year; 1994 Bush Principals' Leadership Program, University of Minnesota; 1993 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow, FU-IH Institute of International Affairs, University of Minnesota; 1992 National Committee for School Desegregation Award; 1991 National Indian Educator of the
Year, National Indian Education Association; and 1988 National Indian Student of the Year also from the National Indian Education Association.

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