North Carolina State Board of Education passed the following 'action statement' on
June 6, 2002

Title: A Resolution to Recommend that the North Carolina Public Schools Study the Impact of American Indian Sports Mascots and Logos and Review Policies and Procedures on This Issue


The State Advisory Council on Indian Education recommends:

· that the State Board of Education encourage all educators of the public schools of North Carolina to educate themselves on the educational, curricular, and psychological effects of using American Indian sport mascots and logos, and; that all public school administrators review their policies and procedures toward the use of American Indian sport mascots, logos, and all demeaning imagery.

· that the State Board of Education require local education agencies to annually report to the Office of the State Superintendent plans of action and actions taken regarding their review of policies and procedures toward the use of American Indian sport mascots, logos, and all demeaning imagery, including activities for educating public school personnel of the educational, curricular, and psychological effects of using American Indian sport mascots and logos. Results of activities will be reported to the State Board of Education as part of the annual report of the State Advisory Council on Indian Education.

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