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spiritual activism


Stewards of the Earth

A Network of Spiritual Activists

Local Contact:
Pat Berkley
83 Beverly Rd.
Asheville, NC 28805
(828) 483-3336
or email Bob Jones at bobjonesinnz@yahoo.com

Mission Statement: To empower, educate, and motivate individuals toward integrating their spiritual beliefs with their efforts in creating a sustainable future for humanity and all of life.

We at Stewards of the Earth have a dream. It is a dream that humankind will become more compassionate, just and loving as we create a future which sustains and nurtures life for all species. We call ourselves "Stewards of the Earth" because we believe it is our role as conscious beings to live as responsible caretakers and stewards of God's Creation.

We believe there is an urgent need in the world to ground environmental and social justice work in a spiritual context. We consider ourselves to be spiritually-based activists who have a deep faith in the power of prayer and love to effect positive change on the planet. We are aware of the global shift in consciousness and feel called to participate in it. Therefore, we have created Stewards of the Earth, a non-profit organization, dedicated to doing this work.

Please direct your questions regarding website content to our Webmaster, Moss Bliss. All other questions may be directed to our President, Bob Jones. Last date modified: January 19, 2004.