All Hymn #'s from Hymns For Worship
- Look at the words to the song # 499 ----- "I want t be a worker for the Lord" & # 531 ---- "Soul Winner for
- Do we sing this song with the added word "BUT"
- I want to be a worker for the Lord but I'm too busy.
- The three points I want to discuss in relation to this subject are:
- What does God require of Us in His Work?
- Look at what we need to have in order to be good workers.
- Look at what we are doing for the Work of the Lord here in this community.
- I want to exhort and encourage each and everyone of us to seriously consider what it means to make a stand to
truly work for the Lord. -- # 397 "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus"
- Song # 501 ---- "To the work to the Work we are servants of God"
- WHAT DOES GOD REQUIRE OF US IN HIS WORK? ---- Considered from the Aspects of Towards God as well
as toward others. ---- Song # 92 -- "Others"
- God requires us to humble ourselves -- James 4:6-10
- In this humility God can use us to the best of our ability.
- In humility we learn to be servants.
- As an example Christ set for us the standard:
- John 13:1-9
- John 13:12,15
- When we serve and show humility we should not expect any payment or pat on the back.
- Rather let us remember that we are not laboring for our rewards in this life but rather for the rich reward of
eternal life.
- Also in humility we do not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing ---- Matthew 6:1-4
- God requires that what we do is in accordance to his will. -- Matthew 7:21-23
- It does not help for us to have humility and service to others if it is not done in the name/authority of Christ.
- Illustrations: Orphan Homes etc.
- Firstly one needs to be a child of God in order to work and serve Him in His Kingdom.
- Secondly we need to "Set our Goals before us".
- Philippians 3:13-16
- Goals are to be realistic and set with in reach.
- Do not try to convert 1000,000 souls over night. Tho, this is a good and ambitious goal it needs to
be realistic.
- I set forth a challenge that involves every member here today.
- Take over a period of one month that we as an individual invite just one person to the services of our
- But, I want you not only to invite them, I want you to persistently bothersome to the point that they
agree to come with you.
- Thirdly, we all need to be working. "It is well said that no life comes from non-life"
- We have to be active and working. -- Song # 396 ---- "We'll Work Till Jesus Comes"
- James 2:14-26 ---- faith cannot grown unless we are working, cf. James 1:23-25
- Note the words to the song # 395 ---- " A Beautiful Life"
- Stress verse Vrs. 22
- Firstly let us ask some important questions:
- Are we studying that we may be able to teach another?
- Are we teaching while we have the ability?
- Are we looking for opportunities to do good?
- IS our spare time devoted to serving Christ?
- Examine the amount of people you have talked to in the past month, year and ask yourself the question did
I mention Christ to them? -- Song # 546 -- "You Never Mentioned Him To Me"
- Look at the song # 83 ----- "Somebody did a golden deed"
- Secondly, let us examine what we are trying to accomplish here in this community:
- Each week the congregation here places an article in the Mitchell News Journal.
- Do you know what is been taught -- can you defend the truths placed in the articles. {Note Articles
placed on bulletin board}
- Since weather is once again turning more pleasant -- Byron and myself and whoever want to help will be
once again continuing our Door Knocking.
- You don't have to be a preacher or teacher to help in this.
- Encourage all to help in one way or another.
- Correspondence Courses are handed out at these meetings, if person responds we need someone to
take them on as a personal correspondent.
- The congregations has a web site that offers online correspondence courses.
- To date we have had pupils from: New Zealand, Australia, Bakersville, New Port, New York as well
as South Africa.
- Several in home bible studies -- Ask how you may be able to help.
- Our contribution as risen dramatically:
- This has enabled us to do much.
- The next question we need to ask is:
- What can we do more to win precious souls to Christ right here.
- Are we working for Christ ---- Are we that somebody of the song?
- Will we meet Christ empty handed?
- Work for Christ and the profits of our labor will soon be reaped!