All Hymn #'s from Hymns For Worship


    1. Look at the words to the song # 499 ----- "I want t be a worker for the Lord" & # 531 ---- "Soul Winner for Jesus"
      1. Do we sing this song with the added word "BUT"
      2. I want to be a worker for the Lord but I'm too busy.
    2. The three points I want to discuss in relation to this subject are:
      1. What does God require of Us in His Work?
      2. Look at what we need to have in order to be good workers.
      3. Look at what we are doing for the Work of the Lord here in this community.
    3. I want to exhort and encourage each and everyone of us to seriously consider what it means to make a stand to truly work for the Lord. -- # 397 "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus"
      1. Song # 501 ---- "To the work to the Work we are servants of God"


  1. WHAT DOES GOD REQUIRE OF US IN HIS WORK? ---- Considered from the Aspects of Towards God as well as toward others. ---- Song # 92 -- "Others"
    1. God requires us to humble ourselves -- James 4:6-10
      1. In this humility God can use us to the best of our ability.
      2. In humility we learn to be servants.
    2. As an example Christ set for us the standard:
      1. John 13:1-9
      2. John 13:12,15
    3. When we serve and show humility we should not expect any payment or pat on the back.
      1. Rather let us remember that we are not laboring for our rewards in this life but rather for the rich reward of eternal life.
      2. Also in humility we do not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing ---- Matthew 6:1-4
    4. God requires that what we do is in accordance to his will. -- Matthew 7:21-23
      1. It does not help for us to have humility and service to others if it is not done in the name/authority of Christ.
      2. Illustrations: Orphan Homes etc.

    1. Firstly one needs to be a child of God in order to work and serve Him in His Kingdom.
    2. Secondly we need to "Set our Goals before us".
      1. Philippians 3:13-16
        1. Goals are to be realistic and set with in reach.
        2. Do not try to convert 1000,000 souls over night. Tho, this is a good and ambitious goal it needs to be realistic.
      2. I set forth a challenge that involves every member here today.
        1. Take over a period of one month that we as an individual invite just one person to the services of our Lord.
        2. But, I want you not only to invite them, I want you to persistently bothersome to the point that they agree to come with you.
    3. Thirdly, we all need to be working. "It is well said that no life comes from non-life"
      1. We have to be active and working. -- Song # 396 ---- "We'll Work Till Jesus Comes"
      2. James 2:14-26 ---- faith cannot grown unless we are working, cf. James 1:23-25
      3. Note the words to the song # 395 ---- " A Beautiful Life"
        1. Stress verse Vrs. 22

    1. Firstly let us ask some important questions:
      1. Are we studying that we may be able to teach another?
      2. Are we teaching while we have the ability?
      3. Are we looking for opportunities to do good?
      4. IS our spare time devoted to serving Christ?
      5. Examine the amount of people you have talked to in the past month, year and ask yourself the question did I mention Christ to them? -- Song # 546 -- "You Never Mentioned Him To Me"
        1. Look at the song # 83 ----- "Somebody did a golden deed"
    2. Secondly, let us examine what we are trying to accomplish here in this community:
      1. Each week the congregation here places an article in the Mitchell News Journal.
        1. Do you know what is been taught -- can you defend the truths placed in the articles. {Note Articles placed on bulletin board}
      2. Since weather is once again turning more pleasant -- Byron and myself and whoever want to help will be once again continuing our Door Knocking.
        1. You don't have to be a preacher or teacher to help in this.
        2. Encourage all to help in one way or another.
        3. Correspondence Courses are handed out at these meetings, if person responds we need someone to take them on as a personal correspondent.
      3. The congregations has a web site that offers online correspondence courses.
        1. To date we have had pupils from: New Zealand, Australia, Bakersville, New Port, New York as well as South Africa.
      4. Several in home bible studies -- Ask how you may be able to help.
    3. Our contribution as risen dramatically:
      1. This has enabled us to do much.
    4. The next question we need to ask is:
      1. What can we do more to win precious souls to Christ right here.


    1. Are we working for Christ ---- Are we that somebody of the song?
    2. Will we meet Christ empty handed?
    3. Work for Christ and the profits of our labor will soon be reaped!