The Seven Lampstands Are Seven Churches. Chapters 2-3.

Key Theme to be Noted --- "Ye Are the Light of the World"

A. The seven lampstands (light bearers) are the seven churches. Each church is a light bearer they individually must hold forth the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world cf. I Tim. 3:15.

1. Also to note that though the churches as a whole are here symbolized as Lampstands, one needs to realize and recognize that individual Christians are also likewise portrayed to be light bearers of the truth, cf. Phil. 2:15-116 ; Eph. 5:8.

2. The same word "lampstand" is used in Matt. 5:14-16 ; Mk. 4:21 ; Luke 8:16 ; 11:33.

B. As one looks at the seven letters written to the churches one can see there are certain similarities that can be found.

1. Each of the letters has seven sections to them with the exception of Smyrna and Philadelphia - where there are no sections of condemnation and Laodicea - where there is an obvious absence of commendation.

2. Another of the similarities that can be found is the opening address to each of these churches - --- "Unto the Angel of the church at ......", are identical in format.

3. Thirdly one needs to note the sobering thought that the omniscient nature of Christ is revealed in the phrase "I know thy works/toils". One must note that this is absent in the letter to the Laodiceans.

4. The fourth similarity to note is the promise of the reward to "him that overcometh".

5. Lastly to note in the similarities is the invitation of the Lord to the church to "hear the things that the Spirit has to say to them."

Outline of the first Letter to the church at Ephesus:

1. The Letter to the church at Ephesus 2:1-7.

a. Commendation:

1) Toil/Labor

2) Patience

3) Can't bear evil men

4) Tried false prophets.

5) Didn't grow weary

6) Hate the work of the Nicolaitians.

b. Condemnation:

1. Left their first love.

A. In order to gain a better understanding of the church in Ephesus it would benefit us to study a little about the history of the church and the situation of the people of the city of Ephesus. (1)

1. The beginning of the church at Ephesus.

a. Paul's first visit to Ephesus was brief and was at the closing portion of his second journey (A.D. 53).

b. At this time he left Priscilla and Aquila.

1) There work is recorded for us in Acts 18:24-28.

c. Paul's return to Ephesus is recorded for us in Acts 19:1-6.

1) Paul stayed in this region about three years --- cf. Acts 20:31.

2. The city of Ephesus itself.

a. Ephesus is situated in Asia Minor on the West Coast.

b. It lay at the mouth of the river Cayster, and was located about six miles from the Aegean Sea.

1) The river Cayster emptied into the Gulf of Ephesus that extended inland about six miles from the Aegean Sea.

c. Ephesus was a city of the greatest commercial importance in the Ancient world, however, Ephesus lost its importance as a commercial city due to the fact that the harbor began to silt up and made shipping hazardous.

d. Ephesus was a city of greatest political importance.

1) It was known as a free city.

2) The Roman Government had granted Ephesus the right of self-government within its own limits.

3. Ephesus was a city of the greatest religious importance.

a. Its greatest glory was the Temple of Diana --- cf. Acts 19:26-27.

b. This Temple was one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World.

1) The impressive building was supported on 100 large columns

2) Services and worship in her honor were conducted by eunuch priest

c. The image of Diana was so old that its original origin was unknown and some claimed that it had fallen from heaven itself --- cf. Acts 19:35.

d. The image of Diana was a black, squat, repulsive figure. Covered with many breasts, was the symbol of fertility. It also held a club in one hand and a trident in the other. Diana was the Roman name for the mythological Greek goddess Artemis, daughter of Jupiter and Latona and the twin sister of Apollo. Variations of the descriptions of this god show Diana attended by lions without the instruments in her hands.

e. To millions of people of that day and time this image was the most important and sacred thing in the world.

4. The character of the people were notoriously wicked and bad.

5. This was the second letter that we have recorded in the New Testament to have been written to the church at Ephesus. The first being the Letter written to the Ephesians by the Apostle Paul.

6. Should one take the latter dating of the writing of the Book of Revelation, as this author does, the church at Ephesus had been in existence some 40 odd years at the time of this letter being written to them.

These graphics indicate the variations of the goddess Diana as has been noted above.

The short epistles to the seven churches of Asia reveal the good and the bad conditions of each church. No doubt the Lord wanted these revealed because they are general conditions that would be found in churches in all generations. Hence, a close study of the letters will reveal the strong and the weak points of any church and will show where it stands in relation to Christ. Application of the principles are necessary for all churches of all times. To say that the seven churches represent seven dispensations through which the church must pass appears to be of little/no persuasion.

Analysis of the Letter to the Ephesian Church:


A. The angel or messenger of the church at Ephesus is addressed. vrs 1.

1. For further notes on who or what this angel is see notes on 1:20.


A. Its is Jesus Christ of chapter one who walks amidst the lampstands. It is He who "holdeth the seven stars in His right hand."

1. The stars are the angels of the churches.

B. It is Jesus Christ who "walketh in the midst of the seven golden lampstands."

1. Important to note that Christ dealt with each congregation separately.

2. This is an indication that each congregation is to be about doing their own work.

a) The churches in the New Testament were independent and self-governing.

b) It ought to be likewise today.

C. The omniscience of Christ is felt and taught by the phrase "I Know".

1. It is only Christ Jesus who truly knows the things of the church --- cf. John 2:24-25 cf. Hebrews 4:13.

III. WHAT IS RIGHT WITH THE CHURCH AT EPHESUS. --- This is often referred to as the commendation.

A. Christ knows their "works and their Labor/toil".

1. Christians must work --- cf. Phil. 2:12 ; James 2:14-26.

2. There is no place for the idle in the Kingdom of Christ -- cf. Matt 20:1.

3. Their efforts need to be "for His name sake" --- cf. Matt 19:29 ; I Peter 4:14.

a) Richard Trent wrote concerning the word "toil" --- "From the Greek 'kopos': Indeed this word, signifying as it does not merely labor, but labor unto weariness, may suggest some solemn reflections to everyone who at all affects to be working for the Lord, and is under his Great Taskmaster's eye." (2)

B. Christ knows their "patience or steadfastness".

1. cf. Acts 2:42 ; I Cor. 15:58.

2. Many times this patience was an outgrowth of trying work that had to be done many times under perilous conditions --- cf. Matt 24:13 ; Heb. 10:36.

a) Patience or Steadfastness comes from the Greek word 'hupomone' which defined by Thayer is: "steadfastness, constancy, endurance; in the N.T. the characteristic of a man who is unswerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings:" (3)

C. Christ knows that they "cannot bear them that are evil"

1. Christians ought not to have company with those things which are evil --- II Thess. 3:6 ; Romans 16:17 ; II John 9-11 ; I Cor. 5:1-6 ; I Cor 15:33.

2. Tolle notes of this phrase: "Churches today do indeed need to follow the example of the Ephesian church, which refused to tolerate, support, or entertain hospitably in its midst as fellow members of the body of Christ those whose lives were persistently evil." (4)

D. They had put to the test those who were claiming to be Apostles ---- "tried them which say they are Apostles."

1. Securing the purity of the gospel of Christ can only be done by putting to a test those who claim to be speaking the oracles of God --- Gal. 1:6-9 ; II Cor. 11:13 ; Matt. 15:9.

2. The defense of the truth is an essential part of the work and existence of the church - -- cf. I Cor. 5:11 ; II Thess 3:6 , 14-15.

3. The testing of False teachers is a command of God to all churches -- cf. I John 4:1 ; Rom 16:17-18 ; II John 9-11.

E. "and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary." vrs. 3.

1. The Greek word 'kamon' is translated into our english word "weary" and signifies, "become faint from toil."

2. cf. Galatians 6:9 a Scripture that needs to be heeded by every Christian.

F. They hated the "deeds of the Nicolaitans." vrs 6.

1. Firstly to note is the fact that the Ephesian brethren did not hate the Nicolaitans, but rather the "deeds/works" of the Nicolaitans.

a) As Christians we ought to count every person as a precious soul in the sight of God.

b) It is certain that Christ died for those who are in need. He is the Great Physician and it is not up to you and I to judge who is worthy of the grace and mercy of the Lord. For certainly every soul that sins is in need of the Saving blood of Christ.

2. There has been much speculation as to what the deeds of the Nicolaitans is.

a. The only conclusive evidence as to what this is has reference to is found in vrs 15. whose deeds and doctrines were condemned without being mentioned. This clearly shows how Jesus's attitude is toward false doctrines and practices.

b. External evidence from Irenaeus makes this description of the Nicolaitans: "The Nicolaitans are the followers of Nicolaus who was one of the seven ordained to the diaconate by the Apostles. They lead lives of unrestrained indulgences. The character of these men is very plainly pointed out in the Apocalypse of John as teaching that it is a matter of indifference to practice audultery, and to eat things sacrificed to idols." (5)

c. In a tract entitles "Against Heresies" Tertullian gives essentially the same description of the Nicolaitans as does Irenaeus.

3. The fact that must be noted here is though, we cannot positively identify who these Nicolaitans are, we are sure of the fact that they were wicked men; and the Lor praised the Ephesian brethren for not condoning nor associating with their works, but rather they hated the works as God hated thier works also.

IV. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CHURCH AT EPHESUS --- Also known as the Condemnation

A. "They have left their first love" vrs 4.

1. Verse 5. indicates that the congregation had lost its fervor for the spread of the gospel of Christ.

2. They must "do the first works" --- this is a reference to the fact that their early enthusiasm for the worship and progress of the church has waned.

3. This can be said of many congregations today.

B. Some scholars also understand this "first love" to be a reference to the loss of love for one another.

1. James Moffatt renders this verse; "You have given up loving one another as you did at first." vrs. 4.

2. As many scholars have noted the rendering of "first Love" cannot be confined to just a singular meaning for positions of:

a) Lack of love for God as they once did.

b) You have lost your love for God, Christ and all mankind.

c) As noted above lack of diligent fervor to the spreading of the Gospel of Christ.

all have been supplied as to the meaning of this "first love."

C. The basic message of this fault in the Ephesian church can be summed up in saying, that though they were still doing the things which designated them as a sound body of Christ, the methods of doing this had become machanical and ritualistic. It was done out of a cold heart of duty rather than the glorious priverledge that it is.

1. A illustration of this is the wife who no longer loves her husband but goes through the motions in a cold and heartless manner.

2. All congregations of the body of Christ need to be aware of the destructive power of Satan. This certianly is one avenue that all Christians ought to take note of.

D. To sum up this passage I want to quote Willaim Mitchell, "Does it not often happen in the Christian life that the soul retains earnestness, patience, truth, endurance, a hatred of evil, long after it has left its first love; that its religious service is continued, apparently unaltered, while the spirit that prompted that service is changed for the worse? But though love is altered, there may yet remain a sense of duty." (6)


A. "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen."

1. Christ returns the Ephesian brethren to their first works so that they might recognize the fact that what they now had was a corroded and vastly deterioated love compared with what they had in the beggining.

2. As Christians today we can understand what the Lord here is saying. So many have lost that first love, which drew them to the Saving Grace of God which reached out in every way to help and touch others who were lost and dying. Having after much disappointment a despire become part of the masses who go through the motions of worship becvause they have to and not because they want to.

B. "Repent" --- turn aside from this behavior and return to what you once had.

1. This certainly can be considered a summons from Christ to cast off the man they now have on them and return again to the beggining. Much the same as to say "turn over a new leaf" or to "start again from scratch."

C. "Do the first works".

1. A congregation that fails to promote the gospel of Christ looses its purpose for existing.


A. "I will come and remove your candlestick/lampstand from its place."

1. A lampstand support the light.

a) The light that we hold up is the great Love of Jesus Christ.

b) If we have lost our love how then can we hold up the light of the Love of our Master and draw people to His wonderful body.

2. No congregation who has lost their first love can do this.

B. This was the tragic fate of the Ephesian Church. There has not been any church in Ephesus for ages and the sight of the majestic ancient city now lies in ruin.

VII. THE COUNSEL of the LORD vrs. 7a.

A. The counsel here is intended not only for these members of the Lord's body but to all those who can examine their lives as see the great corroding effect of the loss of their "first love."

B. The cousel here identifies that it is the heart that is receptive to receive what the "Spirit of the Lord says unto them."

1. It is the heart that is receptive such as that which is described in Matt. 13:8.

a) Such a heart will bear forth fruit and heaken to the admonition of the Lord.


A. They would be granted to eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.

1. Note the "tree of life that was in the Garden of Eden" cf Genesis 2:9 is now in the midst of the "paradise of God". cf. Rev 2:7.

Note the table below, Taken from Merrill C. Tenney, summarizing the letter to the Church at Ephesus:
Salutation Christ's Self



of God


of Evil


Warning &


Promise of

Reward To

Him That


Invitation To


vrs 2:1

"Unto the

Angel of the

church of



"These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands:"


"I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; "and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary."

2:6 "But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitan

2:4"Nevertheless I have {this} against you, that you have left your first love." 2:5

"Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place - unless you repent."


"To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."


"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

The Second of Seven Letters to the churches of Asia.

(8) "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, `These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: (9) "I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and {I know} the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but {are} a synagogue of Satan. (10) "Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw {some} of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. (11) "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death."' (Revelation 2:8-11)

Outline of this Letter to the church at Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11:

This letter is one of only two letters that does not have a section of condemnation.

A. The Introduction and Address - vrs 8a.

B. The commendation.vrs 9.

1. Their tribulation.

2. Their poverty.

3. And their present situation about being cast into prison. vrs. 10.

C. The Admonition. vrs. 10.

D. The invitation to hear vrs. 11a.

E. The promise of reward vrs. 11b.

Analysis of the Letter to the church at Smyrna


A. Smyrna was a great trade city.

1. It stood on a deep gulf which reached thirty miles inland and was about 50 miles to the north of Ephesus.

2. It had a specially rich trade market in wines.

B. Smyrna was an outstandingly beutiful city.

1. It claimed to be the "Glory of Asia as well as the first city of Asia".

a. It was founded about 1000 B.C. by colonists from Lesbos.

b. Shortly before 688 B.C. it was captured by the Ionians, under whose rule it became very powerful and rich.

c. In 323-301 B.C. Lysimachus as well as Antigonus undertook to rebuild Smyrna on its present site.

d. One of the beautiful buildings that was built in this city was in honor of Homer.

1) Smyrna was one of the many places that laid claim to the birth site of Homer the poet.

e. A theater that seated 20,000 spectators was carved out of the slope of Mt. Pagus.

2. The streets of Smyrna were wide and paved.

a. It was widely celebrated for its schools of medicine and science.

3. Several temples to idol gods are found in this city.

a. The temple of Cybele and the Acropolis, Zeus was worshipped here, joined the palace known as the citadel.

b. In 23-26 A.D. a temple was erected in honor of Tiberius and his mother Julia.

1) Smyrna was the center for the worship of Dionysis on of the names of Bacchus, originally a nature god of fruitfulness and vegatation but eventually became the god of wine.

2) A mock death, burial and resurection of Dionysis was celebrated anually.

c. These circle of Temples around the summit of Mt. Pagus is one of the reasons the city became known as the "crown city."

d. As early as 195 B.C. it had dedicted a temple to the goddess Roma.

C. Politically Smyrna was an important city.

1. It had chosen the right side in all the civil wars. (For this Rome was Grateful). It was ceded in 133 B.C. to the Romans.

2. It claims to be the first in beuaty.

3. It claimed to be the first in Ceasar worship.

4. It also claims to be the birth place of Homer.

5. Smyrna looked with contempt on the poor and humble Christians and despised them as of no importance.

D. Smyrna had two characteristics which made life for Christians a constant and continued peril.

1. Smyrna was one of the great centers of Caesar Worship.

2. In the days of Domitian, Caesar worship became compulsory.

3. Once a year the Roman citizens would burn a pinch of incense on the altar to the godhead of Caesar.

4. Having done this a certificate was given to all worshipers.

5. Nowhere could life have been more dangerouse for the Christian than in Smyrna.

6. For a man to become a Christian was to be considered as an outlaw.

7. To become a Christian in Smyrna was to literally take one's life in his own hands.

8. The second peril was that of the Jewish population in the city.

E. No authentic information remains as to the time and circumstances of the establishment of the church in Smyrna.

1. It is however believed that it was established from Ephesus and sometime during thre ministry of Paul on his third missionary journey.


I. The ADDRESS vrs. 8a.

A. The letter once again is addressed to the "angle of the church at Smyrna".

1. For comments on what or who this angel of the church is, please reread the comments on 1:20.


A. "The first"

1. Self-existent being who is the origin of all things cf. John 1:1-3, 15 ; 8:58 ; Col. 1:15- 17 ; Heb. 13:18.

2. He should be the first with all men. cf. Matt. 6:33.

B. "The Last" - cf. Rev. 22:13.

1. This is representative of His eternal nature.

a. The eternity of Jesus Christ had a very special significance to all the saints in Smyrna.

2. Also respresents His dependability.

C. "Who was dead, and came to life:" - cf. Rev. 1:18.

1. The Savior has been through what they were now experiencing.

2. His death, burial, and resurrection are fundamental facts of the Gospel. -- I Cor. 15:1-4 ; Rom. 5:8 ; I Cor. 1:17.

3. His death was the sacrifice for all mens sins --- Romans 5:8.

III. "I KNOW" vrs. 9a.

A. Once gain the omniscient nature of Christ is displayed in this statement.

B. Also displayed in this expression is the assurance that Christ was possesed of a complete and perfect knowledge of their needs and their James 1:25 ; Rev. 2:2,9,13,19 ; 3:1,8,15.

C. A lesson that needs to be recogniozed here is the fact that there is no chance of deceiving the Lord about the character and accomplishments of the church anywhere.


A. "Thy works" --- This is omitted in the ASV since the majority of Ancient manuscripts omit it.

1. This is a solemn reminder that we are going to be judged by our works and according to the works which we have accomplished in this life. -- cf. Rev. 20:12.

B. "Thy tribulation" --- from Greek Thlipis meaning --- pressing, together, pressure.

1. The source of much of their tribulation are those who "say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." --- Rev. 2:9.

2. There will be tribulation if we live as God would have us live --- cf. Matthew 5:11-12 ; II Tim. 3:12.

3. When we suffer for His cause we have a fellowship with Him --- cf. Phil. 3:10.

4. Paul says Christians should glory in tribulation --- cf. Romans 5:3.

5. Paul gives us a description of what tribulation does --- Romans 5:3-4.

6. James tells us to "count it all joy when we fall into trials and temptation" --- 1:3-4.

7. The apostle Peter tells us --- cf. I Peter 1:6-7 ; 4:16.

C. "Thy poverty" --- this is physical not Spiritual.

1. These had suffered physical poverty.

a. The churches of Macedonia were poor churches --- cf. II Cor. 8:1-5.

2. A propbable explanation of their poverty lies in the fact that many Christians had their "property taken for not worshipping the Ceasar." --- cf. Heb. 10:32-34 ; Mt. 16:29 ; Lk.14:33.

3. Though they were physically poor and under hardship Christ remainds them that they are rich --- "but thou art rich". --- cf. Lk. 12:16-21 for Christ's teaching on physical riches --- cf. James 2:5 ; II Cor. 6:10

a. They were rich in spiritual things.

b. The compete opposite was said to a church that was rich physically -- cf. Rev. 3:17-18.

D. "Blasphemy"

1. It would be better to translate this word "slander".

2. The Jews had the ear of those in High places, so they would whisper their slander against the Christians into the ears of the Roman authorities.

a. Examples of this are found in Acts 13:45, 50 ; 18:5-6.

3. The fleshly Jews were no longer God's people -- cf. Rev. 2:9 ; Rom. 2:28-29.

4. They claimed to be God's people but they were of the Devil --- Rev. 2;9.

a. Many today claim the same things but by their actions we can see that they are not of God but rather of the world which is governed by their father Satan.

5. The Lord suffered revile and redicule at the hands of the Jews also --- cf. Mt. 26:67 ; Lk. 16:14 ; 23:18-25 ; Acts 2:36


A. "Do not fear what you are about to suffer".

1. Some where going to suffer imprisonment --- cf. Acts 12:3,4 ; 16:23.

2. cf. James 1:12 ; I Peter 1:6-9 --- suffering a way of sifting out the "chaff".

B. The suffering was going to get worse. --- cf. Mt. 10:22 ; 24:13.

1. The assurance that we have is the fact that the suffering is but for "10 days".

2. Whether this is literal ten days or not cannot be said, but the assurance is that in comparrison to eternal life the suffering is but for a moment.

a. cf. James 4:14 ; II Cor. 4:17.


A. They shall receive their "crown of life." --- cf.I Cor. 9:25 ;II Tim. 4:8 ;James 1:12 ; I Pet. 5:4.

1. Crown here is from the Greek "stephanos" ---literary a victory crown --- cf. Matt. 10:39.

a. In giving even their lives for Christ they gain eternal life.

2. It is said that the priests who served at the festival of Dionysus where all given crowns.

B. They shall not be hurt at the second death --- cf. Rev. 20:14-15.

Note the Table below is Taken From Merrill C.Tenney, summarizing the Letter to the church at Smyrna.
Salutation Christ's Self



of God


of Evil


Warning &


Promise of

Reward To

Him That


Invitation To


Rev. 2:8

"And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write,

Rev. 2:8

`These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life:

Rev 2:9

"I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and {I know} the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but {are} a synagogue of Satan.

NONE Rev. 2:10

"Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw {some} of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days."

Rev. 2:10-11

Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.

Rev. 2:10-11

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

The third of the Letters to the Seven churches of Asia.

(12) "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, `These things says He who has the sharp two edged sword: (13) "I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne {is}. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas {was} My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. (14) "But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. (15) "Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. (16) `Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth. (17) "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives {it}."' (Revelation 2:12-17)

Outline of the Letter to the church of Pergamos Rev. 2:12-17

A. The Introduction and Address. --- vrs 12

B. The Description of the speaker. --- vrs 12

C. Commendation: --- vrs 13

1. Dwell where Satan's Throne is.

2. Didn't deny the faith.

3. Antipas killed among them.

D. Condemnation: --- vrs 14-15

1. Hold to the teachings of Balaam.

2. Hold the teachings of Nicolaitans.

E. Admonition. --- vrs 16

F. Invitation to hear --- vrs 17

G. Promise of Reward. --- vrs 17

Analysis of the letter to the church at Pergamos\Pergamum.


A. The first two letters addressed churches that were located on the sea coast --- Pergamos is inland.

1. It is located some 30 miles Northwest of Smyrna in the territory that is now known as eastern Turkey.

2. It lay in the Caicus valley some 15-20 miles from the sea.

3. It's acropolis rose 1000 feet between two tibutary streams some three miles north of the river Bakyrtchai (also known as the Caicus River in ancient times).

B. Pergamos was a captial city.

1. "When the empire of Alexander the Great was broken up, following his death, Pergamum became the captial of the powerful, wealthy, and independent kingdom of Mysia." (7)

C. It was the Captial of the Attalid Kingdom/ this names is derived from the King Attalus I (241- 197 BC).

1. Its king, (the last of the Attalic Dynasty, King Attalus III) not havinf an heir willed the Attalic Kingdom into the possession of the Roman Empire (133 BC), thus it had become a part of the Roman Empire by choice and not by compulsion or by miltary force.

2. With the exception of Pergamum and a few Greek cities, which were given freedom as independant administrative units excempt from paying tribute, all of the Kingdom was placed under the Roman Government.

D. The Romans made it the capital of the province of Asia, and it retained this honor until the year A.D. 130.

1. The city itself was built in three distinct sections:

a. The upper city --- was the northernmost area and was largely the domain of the rich, royal and nobel families. Milatary leaders also lived in this section.

b. The middle city --- further south and down the mountain contained the part of the city that was visited by the common people. It also included sportsfields, and temples for the less educated people.

c. The thrid area across the Selinus River to the southwest, contained the famous Asclepian of Pergamum, a center of the healing arts. A lovely fountain, pool, library, and various temples all can still be seen today amongst the ruins of this city.

E. At the time of this writing the city had been the capital for some three hundred years.

F. Pergamos had one of the most famous libraries in the ancient world - Approx. 200,000 books.

1. These books were later given to Cleopatra by Mark Anthony.

2. Because of the extensive manufacture of writing material from sheepskin in Pergamum, the name "parchment" (pergamena) was given to this product.

a. "It is interesting to note that the word "parchment" is derived ultimately from the Latin Pergamena Charta, literally meaning "paper of Pergamum", and it is held by certain authorities that parchment was invented in Pergamum for the purpose of transcribing books for its great library." (8)

G. Pergamos was a famous center of religious worship.

1. It was the center of the worship of Asclepius the god of healing.

a. The emblem of Asclepius is the serpent.

b. Tame snakes were kept in the temple.

c. The sufferers were allowed to spend the night in the darkness of the temple, if a snake touched the sick this was held to be the touch of the god himself.

d. The modern day symbol of medicine still carries this ancient symbol of healing.

e. When Asclepius was not depicted as a serpent, he was always depicted as holding a staff with a serpent wreathed around it.

2. Altars to Zeus, the chief of gods, also known as Jupiter ; To Dionysus, the god of wine ; of Athena, the goddess of wisdom as well as Asclepius, the god of medicine was found on the hill behind the city of Pergamum.

3. In 29 B.C. it errected a temple to "Roma and Agustus" and later temple were also errected in honor of "Trajan and Severus". The title "Thrice Neokorus" which it bore, meant that in the city three temples had been built to the Roman Emperors, in which the emperors were worshipped as gods.

4. Participation in such worship became a test of loyalty, and therefore became a frequent ground for Christian martyrdom. Christians would be brought to Pergamum for trial from any northern part of the province.

H. Pergamos had always glorified in the fact that it was the last outpost of Greek civilization.

I. Pergamos was also the center of Caesar Worship.

J. As to the founding of the church here in Pergamum, it is once again speculated that Paul during his stay at Ephesus was its possible origin. However, it must be noted that Pergamum is only mentioned in the book of Revelation. The basis of such speculation and conjecture is only due to the ideas that a place of such great importance would have been visited by Paul.


I. The Introduction and Address.

A. Once again the letter is addressed to the angel of the church.

1. For information of who or what the "angel" might represent please see my notes on Rev. 1:20.

II. The DESCRIPTION of the SPEAKER vrs. 12

A. It is He who "hath the the sharp sword with two edges."

1. The sword is the word of God --- cf. Heb. 4:12 ; Eph. 6:17.

2. His words cut and penetrate deep, they are as piercing as a sharp sword.

3. Christ was about to reprove the church at Pergamos.

4. This reproof would cut deep.

5. His word pricks and cuts to the heart --- cf. Acts 2:37 ; 7:54.

B. "That sword is the symbol of the discerning, convicting, converting, and punishing power of the word of God. cf. Eph. 6:17 ; Heb. 4:12-13......On the one hand, it was to smite that it might heal, cutting to the quick, reaching the conscience, laying bare the hidden depths of each man's life. On the other, it was also quick and powerful to smite and destroy." (9)

C. One must note that the sword was recognized by the Romans as a symbol of authority and judgment.

1. Here it must be noted that the sword in in the hands of Jesus Christ, thus the authority lies in Christ and not in the government or Empire of Rome.

III. The COMMEDATION of the Lord vrs 13

A. The Lord's knowledge of the church --- vrs 13. --- "I Know thy works"

1. Once again the omniesence of the Lord is here revealed. For further notes on this please refer to the comments on 2:1-2.

2. It is also to be noted here that Christ's followers were placed in an enviroment that made any semblance to loyalty with Christ a conflict of interests with that of the state or province.

3. The knowledge of Christ concerning the "works of the Ephessians" and the "tribulations of those at Smyrna, is here acknowledged at knowing the oppressive conditions under which the children of God at Pergamum find themselves.

B. "Where you dwell, where Satans throne is."

1. The Lord knows our surroundings.

a. Pergamum exceeded all other cities at that time in wickedness.

b. Its inhabitants lived a live of luxuary plagued with many wicked vices --- an example of such a place today leads one to look at Beverly Hills in California.

2. The wickedness that we are confronted with each day is known by the Lord.

3. They were in Pergamos, they had to go on living there they could not escape, life had set them where Satans seat was.

4. It was in Pergamos they must live and it was there they must show that they were Christians.

a. It is said that in Pergamum there were more idols than any other place in the whole of Asia.

5. Hailey states concerning this; "The significance of 'Satan's Throne' and its location in Pergamum is better understood when one considers that it was the political captial of the province and the seat of pagan deities and emperor worship. All these elements combined to produce a heavy and oppressive Satanic atmosphere deserving of the title which the Lord bestows upon it." (10)

a. In the city of Smyrna the persecution and troubles came maily from the Jews of that community, however, here in Pergamum the persecutions were evidently directly related to the heathen and pagan worship.

C. Where "Satan's seat is".

1. Here he had a seat of special authority.

2. Pergamos was a place where the Anti-God forces of satan were at the most authoritative and most powerful.

3. This is certainly an appropiate name for a place that has placed so much emphasis on the worship of pagan gods and immorality.

D. "And you hold fast to My Name."

1. They had not denied their confession of Christ --- Matt. 10:32-33.

2. They wore and honored the name of Christ --- given at Antioch -- cf. Acts 11:36 ; I Peter 4:16.

3. They held fast --- cf. I Cor. 15:58.

4. The name of "Christ" stands for all that He is ; DEITY, His AUTHORITY, and His LORDSHIP over the entire universe.

E. "And did not deny the faith."

1. There is only one faith --- Eph. 4:5.

2. We should contend for this faith --- Jude 3 cf. Col. 1:22f.

3. In the days when one was killed they held fast --- cf. Rev. 3:13.

F. Antipas, was an example of faithfulness unto death --- cf. Rev 2:10.

1. It is doubtful that Antipas was the only one who had suffered death for the cause of Jesus Christ in this area at this point in time.

2. "Even in the days" seems to represent a period upon which they must reflect prior to the writings of John.

a. Antipas was most probably a martyr amongst the first slain for the cause of Christ, but most certainly was by far not the last.

IV. THE LORD's COMDEMNATION - What is wrong with the church vrs 14-15. One needs to be aware of the fact that much teaching is done in the New Testament concerning the dangers of a "little leaven" and how it casn destroy the whole lump.

A. "There are those, indicating a small number, who hold to the teachings and doctrine of Balaam."

1. Let us note what Balaam did, "He taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel." cf. Numbers 23-24.

a. When Balaam found that he was unable to curse the people of God he gave counsel to Barak to send forth the daughters of Moab and to entice the men to join them in lascivious worship cf. Num. 31:16

2. It is bad to sin and involve others in it.

3. Even worse to teach others to sin --- cf. James 3:1.

4. Note what Balaam taught:

a. To eat things sacrificed unto Idols --- I Cor. 8:8-13.

1) This involved the participation and engaging in the actual act of the worship, and not just a mere eating of the meat.

b. To commit fornication. "It has been said that chastity was the only completely new virtue which Christianity introduced into the ancient world."

1) Warnings --- I Cor. 5:11 ; 6:9-19 ; Gal 5:19 ; Eph. 5:5 ; Col 3:5-6 ; I Thess. 4:5-7.

B. The teachings of the Nicolaitans are onece again introduced here in verse 15.

1. Some argue that the teachings of Balaam and Nicolaitans are identical thus they are not two separate groups in this congregations, however, it seems evident to me that John's useage of "also" and "in like manner" indicates two separate groups in this congregation.

a. Although the teachings might be very similar the language seems to indicate two separate groups.

V. The ADMONITION - Counsel vrs 16.

A. They are to repent.

1. Note the command is to the whole church.

a. A congregation that tolerates any compromise in religious practices or ethics would need to repent and change their ways to only that of Jesus Christ.

2. If they did not repent the coming of Christ against them would be swift and destructive.

a. As the sword that slew Balaam was of those whom he tried to curse, so to shall the sword of God be used to destroy those who curse and degrade the worship and teachings of Jesus Christ.

B. cf. I Cor. 5:1-8.

VI. The Invitation to HEAR vrs 17a

VII. The Promised Reward vrs 17b.

A. They would be given "hidden manna cf. John 6:35, a white stone cf. Acts 13:38-39 ; 26:10 (some have understood this to denote the ancient custom of the judicial system in acknowledging the guilty by a black stone and the innocent by a white stone, and a New name cf. Rev. 21:3-7 ; 22:4."

1. Hailey notes that the hidden manna stands in contrast with the things that were openly sacrificed unto the idols.

a. Note the manna given to the Jews as a symbol of God ever presence with them and was to be given from generation to generation cf. Ex. 16:31,33; Heb. 9:4 ;I Kings 8:9.

b. One needs to remeber that Jesus Christ is the "true manna from heaven" cf. John 6:33-35 ; 50-59. to eat of the bread of life is to live.

c. We need to note that our lives are "hid with Christ in God" cf. Col. 3:3 , to be made fully manifest with His return cf. I John. 3:2.

2. White is represented in the book of Revelation as being pure, and holy. It is also closly associated with heaven.

a. White describes the hair of Christ, cf. 1:14.

b. The garments worn by the elders cf. 4:4.

c. The horse on which one goes forth to conquer cf. 6:2 ect.

B. Here is indicated the:

1. Intimate friendship and blessings of God.

2. Full access into Grace.

3. Final recognition by the Lord in His Glory.

a. The new name would indicate the essence of all that a man is and the new relationship he will then enjoy.

Note the Table below is taken from Merrill C. Tenney, and is a summarization of the letter to the church at Pergamos.
Salutation Christ's Self



of God


of Evil


Warning &


Promise of

Reward To

Him That


Invitation To


Rev. 2:12

"And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write,

Rev. 2:12

`These things says He who has the sharp two edged sword:

Rev 2:13

"I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne {is}. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas {was} My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

Rev. 2:14-15

"But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.

2:15 "Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Rev. 2:16

`Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.

Rev. 2:17

To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives {it}."'

Rev. 2:17

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

The fourth Letter written to the Seven Churches of Asia --- Letter to Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29.

"(18) "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write, `These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass: (19) "I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and {as} for your works, the last {are} more than the first. (20) "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. (21) "And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. (22) "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. (23) "And I will kill her children with death. And all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works. (24) "But to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call {them}, I will put on you no other burden. (25) "But hold fast what you have till I come. (26) "And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations - (27) `He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces' - as I also have received from My Father; (28) "and I will give him the morning star. (29) "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'

(Revelation 2:18-29)

Outline of the Letter to the church at Thyatira

A. Address to the angel of the church. vrs 18a.

B. Introduction of the Speaker. vrs 18b.

1. The Son of God.

2. Eyes like a flame of fire.

3. His feet like fine brass.

C. The Commendation: vrs 19

1. I know thy works.

2. Their love.

3. Their faith.

4. Their Ministry or service.

5. Their patience and perserverance.

6. Their growth in works.

D. The Condemnation: vrs 20-21

1. They fellowship Jezebel (ie. Jezebel is a symbolic name).

a. This sinner suduces the people of the Lord.

b. Hardened heart is displayed by the refusal to repent.

2. This Jezebel called herself a prophetess.

a. She was a false teacher.

E. The Threat. vrs 22-23

1. Cast her out with those who go along with her immorality.

2. Her children will be killed with death.

F. The Admonition or Encouragement. vrs 24-25

1. The rest encouraged who did not hold the actions of this sinner.

G. The plead to hear. vrs 29

H. The Promised reward.vrs 26-28

1. Power over the nations.

2. And will be given the morning star.

Analysis of the Letter to the church of Thyatira:


A. It is an odd fact that the longest of the letters to the seven churches was written to the church in the smallest and least important area of the seven towns mentioned. The length of the letter is probably due to the nature of the problems that the Christains faced in the city.

1. Thyarita was a wealthy city.

2. Located in the Northern part of Lydia.

a. Near the border of Mysia.

b. On the Lycas River.

3. Approximateley forty miles southeast of Pergamum.

a. About mid-way bewteen the royal cities of Pergamum and Sardis.

4. The city itself lay in a valley and as such there was no acroplois that adorned the city.

a. The city was surrounded by gentle sloping hills all around.

B. The name Thyatira emerged in history in 290 B.C. as the name of a military center.

1. It had been in the hands of the Romans since 190 B.C.

C. The supreme importance of Thyatira was that it was the gateway to Pergamos, the capital city of Asia.

D. Thyatira was not a center of special religious importance.

1. It was not a special center of Ceasar worship.

2. The chief deity of the Thyatians was that of Tyrimnos.

a. This god was identified with the Greek god Appollo, who was the god of the sun.

b. A goddess of less importance, yet associated with Tyrimnos, was honored in the Thystiran pantheon.

3. A Temple to Sambethe was also located at Thyatira.

a. At this temple it is said that there was a prophetess who would utter sayings for the deity and imparted them to its worshippers who in turn would accept them as oracles of the deity.

b. It seems that this prophetess had her counterpart in the form of the Jezebel at the Thyatiran church.

E. Thyatira was a great commercial center.

1. The roads which passed through its valley brought the trade of half the world to its doors.

2. A great center of wool trade and of the dyeing industry.

3. It was from Thyatira that Lydia, the seller of Purple came cf. Acts 16:14.

a. She was Paul's first European convert and was baptized in the river just outside of the city of Philippi.

4. Purple dye was very expensive.

a. Scholars believe that the dye was of a Turkish-red color.

b. Made from the madder-root which abounded in the area.

c. True purple dye was made from an expensive shell fish found in the Meditereanean sea.

F. Thyarita possesed more trade guilds than any other town of its size in Asia.

1. It would seem that the danger which threatened the church in Thyatira was the direct result of the powerful existence of these trade guilds.

2. No merchant or trader could hope to prosper and to make money unless he was a member of his trade guild.

3. If a trader refused to join his trade guild, he would be in much the same position as a working man would be in today if he refused to join his trade union.

4. In his book Ramsey lists:

a. Wool workers, linen workers, makers of outer garments, tanners, leather workers, dyers, bakers, slave dealers and bronzesmiths. (11)

G. But, we may well ask why should a Christian of Thyatira not join such a trade guild?

1. The social activities of these trade guilds were intimately bound up with the worship of the heathen gods.

2. These trade guilds would have had common meals together.

3. The meal would begin and end with a cup of wine poured out as a libation and an offering to the gods.

4. Such a meal would almost certainly follow a sacrifice.

5. At these social activities drunkeness and fornication were the accepted things.

H. There was a very real problem here, that faced the Christian of Thyatira.

1. They had to decided whether to make money or to serve Jesus Christ.

I. It seemed this woman Jezebel was teaching Christians that it was all right to be a member of these trade guilds and to particpate in their activities as well as serve Jesus Christ.

J. Of its origin as a congregation, nothing is known.

1. Once again this is the only time that the congregation in Thyatira is mentioned in the New Testament.

2. The earliest contact with anyone from this area is found in Acts 16:11-15.

3. It is conjectured that Lydia returned to her home in Thyatira and was chiefly resposible for the church that developed there. However, for this conclusion there is no evidence just speculation.


I. THE ADDRESS: vrs 18a.

A. Once gain it is addressed to the angel of the church. For comments on this please refer back to our notes on 1:20.


A. "The son of God."

1. The gift of God --- John 3:16.

2. God's spokesman --- Heb. 1:1-2.

3. The only way to the Father --- John 14:6.

4. Man's Savior --- Matt 1:21.

5. This is an indication of the fact that Jesus Christ was God and shows His relationship with the Father.

a. This description is in contrast to His description of 1:13 where Christ is refered to as the "son of Man".

B. "Eyes like a flame of fire."

1. Eyes that are all penetrating.

2. The all-wise inspector --- cf. Heb. 4:13.

3. Certainly the omniscient nature of Christ is here depicted.

a. This description is no doubt the infinite awareness and insight that Christ has concerning the activities of all His body.

C. "His feet are like fine brass."

1. Strong and durable. --- This is symbolic of strength

2. Able to tread under foot all evil his eyes may discover.

a. His enermies will be troden underfoot and will face the wrath of God cf. I Cor. 15:25 ; Rev 19:15.


A. "I know thy works."

1. This would certainly have reference to their works in the spiritual realm --- cf. Eph. 2:10.

B. Charity of love. --- this is active good will.

1. Love is the fountain from which flow true activities --- cf. Gal. 5:6 ; I Cor. 13.

2. Unlike the church in Ephesus the love of the brethren here is said to have grown and not waned.

3. "It is important for Christians of all ages to grow in love, for it is the unselfish concern that freely accepts one another in loyalty and seeks out each others good. cf. Matt. 22:35-40." (12)

C. Service --- most probably the work of benevolence.

1. Certainly this would not be the limit of their growth in service.

2. This is an outgrowth of love --- "love in action" cf. I John 3:17.

D. Faith --- fidelity, faithfulness.

1. As with all Christians throughout the ages faith is an essential part of the Christian doctrine.

a. This faith comes from hearing the Word of God --- cf. Rom. 10:17.

b. Without faith we cannot please God --- Heb. 11:6

2. Faith that grows helps us overcome the trails and tribulations for we look at not that which is corruptible but for that which is incorruptible --- cf. Heb. 11:1.

E. Patience --- perserverance under all circumstances --- cf. I Cor. 15:58 ; Heb. 10:36.

1. This patience is largely related to the ability that one has to withstand the various pressures that face us in our walk of faith. --- cf. Heb 6:11-12 cf. Heb. 11.

F. A growth in works --- "the last to be more than the first." --- cf. I Peter 2:2 ; II Cor. 4:16 ; I Thess. 4:1.

1. Every congregation must go forward. Essentially this is what Christ is commending the church at Thyatira on.

a. Their motion is forward and thus they have growth.

2. Every church that no longer moves forward and stagnates is doomed to destruction.

a. Forward growth is the only way the a congregation of the Lord's people can be found well pleasing to God.


A. A sinner is tolerated, Jezebel.

1. Jezebel is either a symbolic name or it could have been her real name.

2. A character like Jezebel of the Old Testament, the wife of Ahab.

a. Cf. I Kings 16:31 ; 18:4 ; 19:1-2 ; 21:8-15, 23-25.

3. They should have withdrawn from her --- cf. I Cor. 5:1-13 ; II Thess. 3:6.

4. "It cannot be overemphasized that the sin of this church consisted in the fact that it raised no protest against the women Jezebel, that it allowed her to promulgate under its shelter the terrible teachings that had also plagued the church in Pergamos, with the most disastrous results. We must observe that the church as such was not charged with complicity in this teaching, but with toleration of it." (13)

B. Jezebel called herself a prophetess.

1. She was a false teacher.

2. She taught that it was alright to:

a. Commit fornication.

b. And to eat things sacificed unto idols.

3.This doctine was the "depths of Satan." cf. vrs 24.

a. Some believe that this phrase introduces the idea that this false teacher was teaching the belief that one could not conquer sin unless they first became throughly acquainted with its experiences.

C. Divine grace extented for her to repent. --- cf. vrs 21 cf. Eccl. 8:11.

1. But she refused to do this. cf. Rom. 2:4.

2. Note the patience and love of God demonstrated here.

a. Though she was wrong and walking out of harmony with His teaching, God does not wish to condemn men to damnation --- cf. I Tim. 2;3-4 but wants all men to repent.

b. However, the severity of God's judgment can be seen in what is warned if she and her followers did not turn away from their teachings and return back to God.

V. A TREAT: vrs 22-23.

A. "I will cast her into a bed."

1. Afflict or punish. --- some believe this to be a reference to great sickness that would come over her.

2. Also those who have followed her false teaching --- cf. Matt. 15:14.

B. "I will kill her children with death."

1. Her followers will be destroyed.

2. This could also be refering to her natural children since this would be similar to what happended to the house of Ahab.

a. They all came to violent and sudden ends --- cf. I Kings 22:34 ; II kings 9:30- 37 ; 10:7.

C. "Will give unto every one of you according to your works." --- cf. II Cor. 5:10.

D. These three immediate punishments is an indication that Christ will render unto every man according to his works --- cf. Eph. 6:8 ; Col 3:25.


A. Unto the "rest"

1. The ones who had not gone along with Jezebel's teaching.

B. "I will not put upon you none other burden".

1. Than the one of getting rid of the Jezebelites.

2. The only burden that they had was the carrying of the weight of such sinners amongst them. It was for them to cast this weight off and to continue in the faith that they had in Christ Jesus.

C. "Hold fast till I come." cf. Rev. 3:11 ; Heb 4:14.

1. Christ is coming again to claim His faithful and we must be sure to be ready to meet Him in the air every waking hour of the day.



A. Twofold promise:

1. They will be given "power over nations".

a. They will share in the power of Christ over the nations cf. Rev 3:21.

b. "The picture of their ruling with a `rod of iron' is symbolic of the certainty of their vindication and triumph with Christ cf. Psa. 2:8-9 ; Rev 19:15.

2. And will receive the morning star.

a. The star is symbolic of roylaty being linked with the scepter --- cf. Num. 24:17.

Note the Table below is taken from Merrill C. Tenney, and is a summarization of the letter to the church at Thyatira.
Salutation Christ's Self



of God


of Evil


Warning &


Promise of

Reward To

Him That


Invitation To


Rev. 2:18a.

"And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write,

Rev. 2:18b.

`These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass:

Rev 2:19

"I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and {as} for your works, the last {are} more than the first.

Rev. 2:20-21

"Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols.

(21) "And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.

Rev. 2:22-25

(22) "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. (23) "And I will kill her children with death. And all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works. (24) "But to you I say, and to the rest in

Rev. 2:26-28

(26) "And he who overcomes ,and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations - (27) `He shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces' - as I also have received from My Father; (28) "and I will give him the morning star.

Rev. 2:29

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."'

Questions in Relation to Chapter One and Chapter Two:

1. What does verse nine of chapter one show concerning the kingdom?

2. Why was John on the Isle of Patmos?

3. Briefly state what verses 13-16 reveal?

4. What is the "hell" of 1:18? (see also 20:13-14).

5. How does 1:19 show that not all things in Revelation are future?

6. What are the seven golden lampstands of chapter 1:20.

7. Does Jesus tell each church "I know thy works"?

8. Does Christ offer a reward to all those who overcome?

9. What does the expression "I will remove thy candlestick out of its place" mean?

10. Explain the expressions "the synagogue of Satan" and "Satan's seat".

11. Who might the Jezebel have been at Thyatira?

Return to Commentary Index

1. These outlines on the "Seven Churches" are taken from Notes On Revelation by Jimmy Tuten who in turn has taken them from Donald Townsley's outlines as they appeared in the Gospel Guardian, Vol.16. 1964.

2. As quoted in The Seven Churches of Asia by James M. Tolle. p.27

3. Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the N.T. by Joseph H. Thayer p.644 # 5281

4. The Seven Churches of Asia p. 28

5. As quoted in The Seven Churches of Asia p. 30

6. As quoted in The Seven Churches of Asia p. 32

7. The Seven Churches of Asia by James M. Tolle. p.43

8. ibid, p.43

9. Ibid, p. 44

10. Revelation an Introduction and Commentary by Homer Hailey p. 130

11. As quoted by Homer Hailey p. 135.

12. Studying the Book of Revelation by David J. Riggs p.8

13. The Seven Churches of Asia by James M. Tolle p.52