Nature of the Church - Body & Temple


    1. Since our study began on the nature of the church we have looked at the terms:
      1. church ; house of God ; Kingdom of God, heaven, Christ.
    2. This evening I want to draw to a close this study on the descriptive names given to the church by studying what is meant by the Body and the Temple.
      1. Once again let me reminded ourselves of the fact that even though so many names are given to the church of the N.T. it is of the singularity in number.
      2. These various different names are terms used to help us understand the nature of the "called out body of Christ."



    1. This descriptive name is clearly an emphasis on our relationship to Christ and towards Fellow Christians.
      1. The church is the Body...Eph. 1:22-23.
      2. The body is the church ...Col. 1:18 , 24.
    2. The New Testament teaches that there is ONLY ONE BODY. This figure of speech is used to denote the singularity of the church.
      1. Many members --- but ONE....Rom. 12:4-5 ; But still only ONE BODY...I Cor. 12:20.
      2. Jew and Gentiles were reconciled in ONE BODY...Eph. 2:16.
      3. There is One Lord, ONE Faith, one Baptism and ONE BODY...Eph. 4:4-6.
        1. The only conclusion to draw from such strong passages is the fact that there is only ONE Church which is the Lord's....Matt. 16:18 the one He has built!
        2. In the denominational world there are distinctive bodies of religious groups and show that they are not ONE by the very fact that they call themselves denominations which means to divide.
        3. But when speaking to denominational leaders they always say all churches belong to Christ, failing to recognize what God will do...Matt. 15:13.
    3. Christ is the HEAD of His Spiritual Body -- The Church... Col 1:18 ; Eph. 1:23.
      1. His dominion over the church is complete....Eph. 1:22 ; Matt. 28:18.
        1. Note there is no power for synods, councils, or the Pope.
      2. Also to note is the fact that even as the body is subjected to the head/mind in one's physical body so also should this be in the church....Eph. 5:24.
        1. What the head commands we can and will do...Lk. 6:46.
        2. What the head does not command and teach we must not do...II John 9.
      3. From the head comes the impulses that strengthen and move the members of the Body in the performance of their work...Eph. 4:15-16.
        1. Christ's Gospel is the power unto salvation...Rom. 1:16.
      4. Our relationship to Christ as head is in total and complete subjection...Eph. 5:24.
    4. Christians make up the body of Christ, not different religious groups.
      1. All Christians are in Christ...Gal. 3:26-27.
        1. All who are in HIM constitute His body.
        2. All those who are in HIM are in the church also... Acts 2:47.
        3. One can clearly see why is impossible to be a Christian in the N.T sense and not be a part of the body/church.
      2. Our relationship to fellow Christians as members -- should be that of ONENESS.
        1. We should be ONE in the sense of the word of being united or having complete union and harmony with one another.
        2. This is what Christ prayed for in John 17:20-23.
        3. Paul rebuked the church at Corinth for not having this ONENESS...I Cor. 1:10.
        4. Let us now consider why we must be ONE:
          1. Every joint supplies His part makes the Body strong... Eph 4:16.
          2. Many members become united in One body...I Cor. 12:12-20.
          3. Each member has His work to perform...I Cor. 12:14-19.
          4. Each member is equally important...I Cor. 12:21-23.
          5. There should be no schism or discord among members... I Cor. 12:24-25.
          6. There is to be a sympathetic interest and mutual care for each other...I Cor. 12:26-27.
          7. Bound together as one body in Christ by ties of fellowship....I Cor. 10:17.
        5. The importance of understanding this is in the fact the church and the members are to be lights to the world.
          1. A light that is divided is not well received.
          2. That a house divided against itself cannot stand.
    5. One might ask the question as to why is it so important to be a member of this Body of Christ.
      1. The body is made up of the saved...Eph. 5:23.
      2. Called into peace of Christ in one body...Col. 3:15.
      3. One cannot be subject to Head and united to Christ without being a member of His body.
      4. We are reconciled to God in ONE BODY...Eph. 2:16.
      5. The body is the fullness of Christ ....Eph. 1:23 ; 1:3.
        1. In this we mean that there is nothing lacking in His body.
        2. All Spiritual blessings are in Christ.
      6. One becomes a member of the body of Christ not by votes of the members, nor by election of a committee, but rather by the obeying of His commands....I Cor. 12:13 ; Acts 2:41--47.

    1. This is found in Eph. 2:19.
      1. It denotes a place where God meets those who worship Him.
        1. Notice in the O.T.
        2. God met with His people in the tabernacle...Ex. 25:8-9 ; Lev. 26:11-12 ; Deut. 12:5 ; 16:2-6.
          1. The tabernacle was called the temple of the Lord in some places...I Sam. 1:9 ; 3:3.
        3. The temple was built by Solomon...II Chron. 7:12-16.
        4. God's name is recorded there...Ex. 20:24.
      2. In the N.T.
        1. The Lord meets with those who are meeting in His name...Matt. 18:20 ; Rev. 3:8.
        2. However, the temple of God in the N.T. is not made with stones, but rather the Christians themselves make up the temple...I Cor. 3:9.
    2. Christians are the Spiritual Building in which the Spirit of God dwells.
      1. I Cor. 3:16-17 ; Eph. 2:19-22.
    3. This building must be built according to God's pattern.
      1. God's plan...Ex. 25:40 ; I Chron. 28:11-12 ,19 ; Heb. 8:1-5 ; Psa. 127:1 ; Matt. 15:13.
      2. God's plan for the N.T. church is found within the confines of the N.T scriptures.
    4. Christ and the Apostles and the Prophets are the foundation.
      1. Isa. 28:16 ; I Cor. 3:11 ; Eph. 2:20.
    5. Christians are the stones built together into the temple of God.
      1. Eph. 2:19-22 ; I Peter 2:5.
      2. This being the case unbelievers and disobedient cannot be stones of the temple of God... I Peter 2:7-8.
      3. The strength of the building depends upon the stones being securely cemented together in peace and Love.
        1. Eph. 2:21-22 ; Eph. 4:1-3 ,16.


    1. What is the Church of Christ?
      1. It is the called out of Christ.
      2. It is the house of God.
      3. It is a kingdom.
      4. It is a body.
      5. It is a Temple of God.
    2. It is vitally important that one be a part of the church, as Christ has purchased it with His own blood and will save only those who are actively serving Him in His body.