Descriptions of the N.T. Church --- "The house of God"


    1. Having established what the church is, it is my intention to now look at the various descriptive names given to the church and to see what in essence they are describing.
    2. Once again the many descriptions that are found in the N.T. are all of the same institution and not separate institutions.
      1. Division is condemned of God...I Cor. 1:10
      2. Christ came to establish ONE Church ...Matt. 16:18
      3. There is Only ONE body...Eph 4:4 which is His church...Eph 1:22-23.
    3. Thus when we consider all these descriptive names used of this body let us constantly keep in mind the fact that these are characteristics of the nature of the "called out Body".



    1. By nature this designation of the body of Christ is commonly referred to as the "Family feature of the church."
      1. The word "house is used to designate Families... Acts 10:2 ; Heb. 11:7 ; Lk. 1:27.
      2. The church referred to as the "house of God", also means the "family of God".. I Tim. 3:15 ; Heb. 3:6 ; Eph. 2:19 ; 3:15).
      3. From this we can see that the term "house of God" is not the reference made concerning the "meeting place" or the "church building".
    2. Let us now study some of the features of the "house" or "Family" of God"....(the church).
      1. God is the Father .... Eph. 3:14 ; 4:16 ; Matt. 23:9 ; I Cor. 8:6).
      2. Christ, is the SON over the house of God...Heb. 3:6.
        1. Also to be noted here is the fact that all Christians are His brethren....Heb. 2:12 ; Matt. 23:8 ; 25:40.
      3. ALL Christians are children of God:
        1. We are Sons and Heirs....Rom. 8:15-17 ; Gal. 4:7 in Christ Jesus....Gal. 3:26.
        2. There is only the possibility of being a child of God --- or a Child of the Devil....I John 3:10.
          1. There is no grey or shaded area --- it is black or white no in between.
          2. It is like if a duck tried to sit on a wire fence --- one way or the other is the way it will fall.
          3. God clearly showed that he is displeased with those who are trying to be fence straddlers ...Rev.3:15-16.
        3. "church is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" ...I Thess. 1:1.
        4. Logical deduction that must be made from this study:
          1. All of God's children are in God's family or God's house.
          2. God's Family or God's house is the church.
          3. Thus if this is the case then all of God's Children are in the church.
            1. There is no such thing as being a child of God without first being a member of His church/body.
            2. But baptized believers were added to the church ... Acts 2:47 thus one cannot be in the church or be a child of God if they first have not been baptized into Christ.
            3. Salvation is in the church...wherein is Christ, thus by not being in the church and not being found in Christ Jesus...which is through the waters of Baptism... Gal. 3:27, one cannot be saved.
    3. Let us note the blessedness of this relationship that exists between the family of God and God Himself.
      1. Firstly we are able to approach God as our Father.... Matt. 6:6-9 ; Eph. 3:14.
        1. This would not be true if we were not children of God.
        2. Children recognize the fact that not every father is their father, the same should be true in a spiritual sense, God is only Father of those who are doing His Will... Matt. 7:21.
      2. Christ is our Great High Priest and also our advocate to plea our cases to God the father...Heb. 4:14 ; 10:21 ; I John 2:1 John 14:6.
      3. The Holy Spirit is to lead us and guide us:
        1. One needs to realize that this is not speaking of direct personal guidance upon each one's souls by the personage of the Holy Spirit, but rather it is speaking concerning the guidance that we get from studying the Word of God which was brought down to man by the Holy Spirit.
        2. Gal. 4:6... Because we are sons God hath sent forth His Spirit, thus we receive the Holy Spirit... *** Not personal indwelling, but through the inspired word of God!
        3. We are to walk by the Spirit....Gal 5:16.
        4. The Spirit has guided those who wrote into all truth... John John 17:17 ; John 14:26 cf. John 16:13 ; I John 5:7.
        5. Paul says that when you read you might understand, thus by us reading and studying the Word of God we are being guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth.
      4. As children of God's family we are entitled to all the heavenly Father's provisions....Rom. 8:32 ; Jas. 1:17 ; Matt. 6:8 ; 33-34 ; 7:7-11, Eph. 1:3.
      5. Yet if we accept the provision we also have to accept the Heavenly Father's correction...Heb. 12:4-11.
      6. As children we are also entitled to the heavenly Father's protection...Phil. 4:5-7 ; I Cor. 10:12-13.
      7. We have the enjoyment of the ever present love of the Father...I John 3:1 ; Rom. 8:38-39.
      8. We have the right to become heirs with Christ...Rom 8:17 ; Gal. 3:29 ; I Peter 1:3-5.

    4. Yet in order for us to have this blessed relationship with God our Father we first have to accept what this relationship demands.
      1. It demands that we be separate from the world...Rom.12:1-2 ; II Cor. 6:17-18 ; 7:1 ; I John 2:15-16.
      2. It demands that we be obedient as children...I John 3:10 ; I Peter 1:14 ; Eph 5:6 ; Rom. 8:12-17.
        1. That we walk according to the spirit and not according to the Flesh...I John 1:6-7 ; Gal 5:16-24.
      3. We are to wear the family name...Acts 4:11-12 ; 11:26 ; I Peter 4:15-16 ; Col. 3:16.
      4. We are to love our brethren...I John 4:7 ; 20-21 ; 3:13-19.

    5. How does one become a child of God" :
      1. By being born again....John 3:3-5.
        1. Born of water in the waters of Baptism....Rom. 6:4.
        2. Being born of the Spirit by renewing of our minds in complete obedience.
      2. By our Faith in Christ combined with the activeness of obedience in the waters of Baptism...Gal. 3:26-27.
      3. By active obedience to God's word both before and after...Matt. 28:19-20 ; I Peter 1:22-23 ; Rev. 2:10.


    1. Having studied this one description of the church of Jesus Christ I hope that you have gained a fuller understanding of what it means to be of the "house of God".
    2. If you are here tonight but find yourself outside of this relationship you need to look to the word of God and find what YOU need to do to be found in the favorable situation with Christ, and the Father in heaven.

By: John Cripps --- from original outline by David J. Riggs

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