What is the Church? part.2


    1. Having seen the establishment of the N.T. Church in the year AD.33,
      1. We also saw that this was set up from the foundation of the world by God.
      2. We saw it prophesied.
      3. And we saw it prepared.
    2. The next logical step is to ask the question what is the church?
      1. Is it the building?
      2. Is it something peculiar to Religion?
      3. What exactly is the church?
    3. There are many descriptive phrases that are applied to the N.T. church.
      1. These phrases give emphasis to the various features of the church and set forth its nature.
      2. In order to cover all these we will have to spend a few lessons on the descriptions applied to the church and therefore constitute a study on the nature of the church.
    4. However, before we study all these other descriptive terms used of the church let us start once again at the beginning and study the expression the "Church".
      1. It is one of the many descriptive terms given to God's people and means the "called out body."


    1. The term "church" is a translation of the greek term --- "Ekklesia" --- the actual term used by Christ and the N.T. Apostles.
    2. 'Ekklesia" : From "ek", meaning out of, and "klesis" meaning a calling (Kaleo, to call)....Vine's.
      1. According to the Englishman's Greek Concordance this term is used 115 times in the N.T.
        1. It is a collective noun.
      2. This term was applied by the greeks to anybody of people called out from their business or homes:
        1. To discuss affairs of State.....Acts 19:39 or
        2. Of a riotous mob....Acts 19:32, 41.
      3. This term is used in the sept. of the people of Israel...Acts 7:38 ; Judges 21:8 ; I Chron. 29:1.
    3. While the term "church" signifies no more than a "called out body, congregation" the church of Christ has a much more restricted and important significance.
      1. It is used by our Lord to describe His body of redeemed people...Matt. 16:18.
      2. It is an institution composed of immersed believers who have been called out from the world, and associate themselves together to worship God "in Spirit and in Truth."....John 4:24.
      3. It is a spiritual house over which Christ reigns as Head...Eph. 1:22-23, in which the Holy Spirit I Peter 2:5,9 ; ICor. 3:9.
      4. The church is not: The church is:
        1. A Material building. A Spiritual Building
        2. An earthly kingdom. A heavenly Kingdom
        3. A Jewish Assembly. A general Assembly
        4. A denomination. The Lord's church
        5. A Political organization. And evangelistic org.
        6. A business institution. An edification org.
        7. A recreational organization. A benevolent org.
        8. A Social organization. A saving organization.
    4. The term is applied in the N.T. to the Lord's people.
      1. The term is used in a general sense to designate all the saved...Matt. 16:18 ; Eph. 1:22 ; 5:25 ; Col 1:18.
      2. The word is used of a local congregation of God's called out within a definite locality: ..... I Cor. 1:2; II Cor. 11 ; II Thess 1:1 ; also of those who where meeting in their homes...Rom 16:4-5 ; Col. 4:15 ; Philemon 2.
      3. The term is used in a distributive sense.
        1. Distributive being : "in logic, having reference to each individual or group or class considered separately" (Century Dict.)
          1. Acts 5:11 ...fear came upon the church
          2. Acts 8:1 ....Persecuted the church.
          3. Acts 8:3 every house.
      4. In the fourth sense it is used of the church assembled together, who have come together for a specific purpose...I Cor. 11:18 ; "in one place" ..... I Cor. 14:23.

    1. This expression "the called out", designates the relation the church has to the world and to God.
      1. We are called out of the world into His fellowship...Col 1:13.
      2. Called out of darkness into the kingdom..Col 1:12-13.
      3. Out of darkness into His light...I Peter 2:9-10.
      4. Called of God..thus a divine calling...I Peter 5:10 ; I Cor. 7:15 ; II Tim. 1:9.
      5. Called to be saints.....I Cor. 1:2; Rom. 1:7.
      6. Called into fellowship of Christ...I Cor. 1:9
      7. Called to be children of God.
      8. By a heavenly calling...Heb. 3:1.
      9. By the gospel of Christ ....II Thess. 2:13-14.
    2. All this is made possible by the suffering of Jesus Christ...I Peter 2:21.

    1. That we may be worthy of our calling....II Thess. 1:11-12 ; Eph. 4:1-3.
    2. To inherit the blessing.....I Peter 3:9.
    3. To go on unto perfection.
    4. To make our calling and election sure...II Peter 1:10.


    1. The N.T. church is indeed a glorious institution.
    2. Those who are called out of the world of sin into the kingdom of His dear Son make up the church.
      1. This is accomplished by God thru the Word that He has provided us with.
    3. Those who are with the King of Kings are called the chosen and the faithful.
    4. Having thus looked at the church established as well as the term church we will next week, Lord willing, study the various descriptive terms used of the church.