Discussion On Marriage, Divorce and Re-marriage between John Cripps (Spruce Pine, NC) and Max Burgin (Croydon, Australia).


# 1.The Bible teaches that all, (both the guilty and the not guilty), persons Scripturally Divorced have God's right to marry.

Affirm - Max Burgin ----- Deny - John Cripps

Burgins First Affirmative

Cripps First Denial

Burgins Second Affirmative

Cripps Second Denial

Burgin Third Affirmative

Cripps Third Denial

# 2.The Bible teaches that one Scripturally divorced, and guilty of adultery, must remain single.

Affirm - John Cripps ----- Deny - Max Burgin

Cripps First Affirmative

Burgins First Denial

Cripps Second Affirmative

Burgins Second Denial

Cripps Third & Final Affirmative

Burgins Third & Final Denial