1 Corinthians 16:1-2


    1. The basis of the Christian's giving is the example of God and Jesus themselves.
      1. God gave Christ --- John 3:16.
      2. Christ gave himself --- Gal. 1:4; 2 Cor. 8-9.
    2. Note the Apostles gave of themselves --- John 6:69
      1. As did those that they taught in the early church --- 2 Cor. 8:4; 1 Cor. 6:19-20.
    3. The fact is there is no substitute for this first principle in giving --- i.e. We need to GIVE OF OURSELVES FIRST.
    4. In this mornings lesson I want to now concentrate on the five "P's" of giving that is found in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2


  1. The First "P" is --- PERIODIC ---- (The Who and When of Giving?)
    1. 1 Cor. 16:1-2 --- "Upon the first day of the week..."
      1. This is an important statement because there are only two things that are directly commanded for the Christian to do on the first day of the week:
        1. Firstly the Christian is commanded to partake of the Lord's Supper - cf. Luke 22:19 --- "Do this in remembrance of Me."
        2. Through Apostolic Example we find that the Disciples came together on the first day of the week to partake of this - Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:23-26.
        3. The question that needs to be asked is how often does this need to be partaken of? (Once a month, once a year ?etc.)
        4. The command is the same as the Sabbath command of the O.T. - Exodus 20:8.
          1. The Jews were to remember the Sabbath - so as long as there was a Sabbath they were commanded to remember it.
    2. The same is true with the Lord's Supper - as long as there is a first day of the week the Christian is to set aside the time to gather together with other saints and partake of the emblems of the Lord's Supper.
    3. Now on the same basis of scriptural interpretation the Christian is commanded to give "unto the Lord" upon the first day of the week.

  2. The Second "P" is "PERSONAL" --- (The Who once again)
    1. Notice Paul words --- "collection for the saints, ...given orders to the churches, so you must do" - 1 Cor. 16:1
      1. The command is not directed to those who are not saints, it is directed to those who have submitted themselves in the obedience of Christ's commands.
    2. Thus, the only plan that the Lord has for raising funds for the work of the church is the free will offerings of His children on the first day of every week.
      1. There is to be no cake sales, yard sales, speggeti dinners, B.B.Q cookouts etc. or solicitations on any other day of the week.
      2. Businesses are not to be asked to donate --- only those who have benefitted from the supreme sacrifice of their Savior - Jesus Christ.
    3. 1 Cor. 16:2 --- "let each one of you"
      1. Note that this is speaking to all Christians both young and old - male and female.
      2. The commands does not exclude any Christian, but exhorts all.

  3. The third "P" --- is "PROVIDENT" --- (The WHAT of the command)
    1. 1 Cor. 16:2 --- "lay by in store" --- "lay aside something"
    2. This shows that the giving is pre-planned and not something spontaneous.
      1. Examples of those who gave in the N.T. show that the contribution was set aside somewhere --- Acts 4:35,37 --Matthew 19:28 -- At the Apostles feet.

  1. The fourth "P" is that of "PROPORTIONATE" --- (The How?)
    1. The scripture simply says that the proportion of our contribution should be "as we have prospered".
    2. Note that the Christian is not commanded to "Tithe" --- Col. 2:14; Gal 5:4
    3. The giving needs to be on "what one has, not on what one does not have --- 2 Cor. 8:12."
    4. The contribution needs to be "liberal" --- Rom. 12:8; 2 Cor. 9:6, 11; 8:7.
    5. Needs to be like the widows mite --- Mark 12:41-44
    6. The contribution needs to be "purposed in heart" --- 2 Cor. 9:7
    7. Needs not to be given "grudgingly or of necessity --- but "cheerfully" - 2 Cor. 9:7

  2. The fifth "P" --- is "PREVENTIVE" --- (The Why of Giving)
    1. So that "no collections need to be made when he comes."
    2. So that we may "submit ourselves to God."
    3. So that we may be pleasing to God --- 2 Cor. 9:7; Acts 10:4
    4. So that we do not rob God --- Mal. 3:8-10
    5. So that we may "lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven" --- Matt. 6:19; 1 Tim. 6:7
    6. So that we may be like Christ --- not covetous but will to sacrifice all for Him.


    1. This brings to a close our three lessons on the subject of the Christian and his money.
    2. Are we good stewards of what God has given us or have we robbed God of what belongs to Him by our refusal to give Him the best but rather give Him the leftovers?
    3. Are we following the God ordained way of giving or have we devised some other way thinking that God will forgive us of our neglect?