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Citizenship and Democracy Workshops

Learn how to make the grass roots grow!

A big part of the Rolling Thunder experience is education - but there's nothing dull about these lessons!

Workshops will be taking place during Rolling Thunder - some serious and some fun - all aimed at helping the citizens of WNC reclaim democracy and make good use of it!

Workshops currently scheduled:

  • Planning for Election 2004. An Open Space Technology meeting, a meeting methodology especially appropriate when time is limited, invites participants to discuss issues and concerns in preparation for the 2004 Elections, network with others with similar concerns and develop strategies for participation in the upcoming election cycle in local, regional, state and national arenas. Presenter: Janice H. Inabinett, a trained facilitator in 'Open Space Technology, (828) 777-4683,, P.O. Box 554, Asheville, NC, 28802.
  • Power to the People - Right On! A lively and wide ranging workshop on the benefits and empowerments of sustainable energy in a democratic society, presented by an expert in sustainable energy including solar, wind and micro-hydro systems. Explore how citizens can reclaim and control their power sources and learn about the movement toward opening the utility grid up to distributed power generation. ORG: Sundance Power Systems. Presenter: Dave Hollister, (828) 689-2080,, 925 Beauty Spot Cove, Mars Hill, NC 28754,
  • Food Cooperatives: Giving Consumers a Voice in and a Connection with the Source of their Food. Cooperatives are a democratic approach to the economics of food production and distribution that provide a viable alternative to corporate dominance and industrialization of food production that is forcing the small scale, family farmer out of business, while people are starving. Local examples will be offered from the French Broad Food Co-op and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA's) such as the Green Toe River CSA and Hickory Nut Gap Farm. ORG: WNC Green Building Council. Presenters: Chris McCloud, Galen & Nicole Corizoni. Contact Aaron Johnstone, (828) 255-2690,, 61 Walton Street, Asheville, NC 28801.
  • Green Building: Socially Responsible Habitation for a Progressive Society. Green Building provides greater opportunities for equitable distribution of resources, a fundamental building block of democracy and offers an environmentally sensitive approach to construction that considers the impact on local resources, pollution, and local economies and strives to be in balance with the different dimensions of our communities. Programs like the Energy Star, Advanced Energy for Affordable Housing and state wide Green Building Guidelines will be discussed. Discover the connections between the way we fulfill our needs for food, shelter, clothing and water and the impact on others' abilities to do the same. ORG: Earthaven Forestry Cooperative & WNC Green Building Council. Presenters: Brandon Greenstein, Earthaven Forestry Cooperative; Issac Savage, Owner, Home Energy Partners. Contact: Aaron Johnstone, (828) 255-2690,, 61 Walton Street, Asheville, 28801.
  • Community Media Initiative Training Workshop. Appalshop's 'Community Media Initiative' program works with grassroots organizations to examine the environmental, social and economic impact of locals, state and national policies to develop media strategies that help change the way decisions are made about the region's future and an examination of using art as a community development and/or activist tool. ORG: Appalshop. Presenter: Nick Szeuberla, (606) 633-0108, Appalshop, 91 Madison, Whitesburg, KY 41858
  • Nefarious Poison Pushers: How Pesticides get Away with Murder. A Workshop exploring how the 'Resource Conservation and Recovery Act' (RCRA) allows previously banned pesticides, recycled waste products and radiation as constituents in pesticides; the effort to petition county district attorneys asking for indictments of those individuals in industry, politics, and lobbyists who are conspiring to break health and environmental laws; information on Duke Powers "no spray" program that can prohibit herbicide usage and an explanation of using the Administrative Process to uphold health and environmental laws. ORG: Protect All Children's Environment. Speaker: Elizabeth O'Nan, (828) 724-4221,, 396 Sugar Cove Road, Marion, NC 28752.
  • We, the People. An advocacy primer providing the tools and expertise to take you from a shy neighbor to an empowered citizen with information on press skills, editorial letter writing, organizing skills, time management, and Internet networking. ORG: Citizens for Transportation Planning & North Carolinians Against Gun Violence. Presenter: Eva Ritchey, Citizen, (828) 693-8190,, 1928 Brevard Road, Hendersonville, NC 28791.
  • Democracy, Community and the Earth. The American experiment in democracy has lead to some of the most important social, political and economic gains for humanity, yet it has also lead to the devastation of human communities in this country and now worldwide, leading to the greatest rate of extinctions and biosphere destruction. The goal of this workshop is to enlarge the context of public dialogue about democracy to include, non-human Earth communities through an understanding of "Ecological Identity" and working for cleaner energy, sustainable agriculture and world peace. ORG: Green Sangha/Earth Team at Jubilee! Presenter: Richard Fireman, Founder of Green Sangha, (828) 645-0469,, 374 Laughing River Road, Mars Hill, NC, 28754.
  • Farmers: A Cornerstone of Our Democracy / The Struggle for, and Betrayal of, the Jeffersonian Ideal. This workshop offers a brief survey of the erosion of the farmers place in our democracy and awesome efforts of farmers & their allies to reclaim it. A look at lessons of populist movements historically, the people who challenge racism and intolerance successfully ousting political forces and the later role of corporations taking control and power. ORG: Carolina farm Stewardship Association. Presenters Patryk Battle, Organic Farmer, activist, teacher, lecturer, (828) 664-9236, and Lance Kurland, Board of Pure Food Partners.
  • Defying Corporations to Reclaim Our Democracy. A workshop devoted to creative and energizing approaches to challenging corporate control in ways that have the greatest potential to increase democratic participation and challenge "corporate personhood' right that have smashed the rights of real persons. Plus, a brief history of the power of corporations in the U.S., corporate protection by regulatory agencies, critical judicial rulings and examples of current approaches to a variety of issues that are raising democratic activism to a level beyond the regulatory arena. ORG: See following. Presenters: Hope Taylor-Guevara, Executive Director, Clean Water of NC; Frank Adams, Co-founder of Southern Appalachian Center for Cooperative Organization; Bob Warren, Black Mountain Attorney and corporate judicial activist. Contact: Hope Taylor-Guevara, (828) 251-11291,, 291/2 Page Avenue, Asheville, 28801.
  • Don't Just Stand There - Do Something! A Non-partisan Approach to Solving Political Problems. Workshop participants will learn the rudiments of local governmental involvement, including both "watchdog" activities and personal action as community board/committee volunteers. Discussion will focus on how to strengthen community coalition building, how to organize community candidate or educational forums, and other individual initiatives. ORG: League of Women Voters. Presenter: Nelda Holder, President, League of Women Voters-Asheville-Buncombe County, (828) 252-8569,, 107 Blue Ridge Avenue, Asheville, NC, 28806.
  • Today's Challenges to Separation of Church and State. A workshop on the challenges facing our constitutional separation of church and state, the current state of First Amendment "Establishment Clause" issues, and a study of the subtle destruction by the government of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience provisions of the Bill of Rights, with an informal question and answer period in the session. ORG: Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Presenter: B.R. Owens, Southeast Regional Coordinator of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Contact: (919) 832-4750,, 210 Robin Hood Drive, Raleigh, NC 27604-2120.
  • Lobbying 101. A workshop on how citizens and environmental groups across the state advocate at the NC General Assembly on a variety of critical issues affecting our health and environment, from clean air to clean water and improving enforcement of existing environmental laws. ORG: Conservation Council of North Carolina. Presenter: Steve Wall, Director of Government Relations, (919) 839-0006,, P.O. Box 12671, Raleigh, NC 27605.
  • Asheville at the Nuclear Crossroads (Part One). A definitive two hour workshop/panel presentation/video program on the hazards of the nuclear industry, including the shipment - through Asheville - of nuclear waste, plutonium and disarmed weapons via highways, regional locations of reprocessing plants, bomb making facilities and waste storage sites. Participants will learn how they can exercise their rights to "informed consent" when it comes to having radioactive materials transported through their backyards. ORG: WNC Physicians for Social Responsibility. Presenters: Mary Olsen, Director, Southeast Office, Nuclear Information and Resource Service; also, Dr. Lew Patrie, Dr. Stan Dienst, Dr. Geeta McGahey, and Ms. Leah Karpen & Ms. Kitty Boniski of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom / Asheville. Contact: Cindy Heil, (828) 670-7491,, 3502 Florham Place, Asheville, NC 28806.
  • Tackling Media Reform at the Grassroots. A review of the takeover of public airways by private corporations, this Workshop will demonstrate how alternative grassroots media structures can be created to compete successfully with "Big Media". Learn how local citizens can use the alternative media, such as the Mountain Area Information Network (MAIN) and its new FM station WPVM, "Progressive Voice of the Mountains." ORG: Mountain Area Information Network (MAIN). Presenter: Wally Bowen, journalist, media activist, founder and executive director of MAIN (a non-profit ISP serving 14 counties in WNC), (828) 255-0182,, 34 Wall Street, Suite 407, Asheville, 28801.
  • Protecting Our Civil Liberties. A workshop about the Patriot Acts I & II and related Executive Orders, how the means of dealing with terrorists and enemy combatants differs and how to deal with national security without endangering our civil rights. Presenter: Bruce Elmore, Jr., Asheville Attorney, Active Member in the N.C. Chapter of the Civil Liberties Union, (828) 253-1492,, 53 N. Market Street, Asheville, N.C. 28801.
  • Money & Democracy, the Best Government Money Can Buy. How multi-national corporations control governments and receive massive benefits. How various sectors of industry influence government policies and legislation. Is there a chance for independent candidates to be elected? Presenter: Tom Turnipseed, Attorney, (803) 252-9000,, 1337 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC, 29201.
  • Asheville at the Nuclear Crossroads (Part Two).
  • Successful Grassroots Efforts in America. Learn from an experienced grassroots political activist with over thirty years in successful campaigns. From the peace movement in the '60's, to the anti-nuclear movement in the '70's to the founding of the Canary Coalition in 2000, Avram has developed a working experience of the political system, how to use it, how to overcome obstacles and how to become empowered to produce positive political change. An interactive course requiring a willingness to ask questions, interrupt and debate! ORG: Canary Coalition. Presenter: Avram Friedman, (828) 586-4620,, PO Box 657, Dillsboro, NC, 28725.
  • Direct Democracy: Working the System. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Learn how to educate yourself and others about issues important to your community, how to use regulatory agencies and the laws already on the books to protect your community and how to mobilize a community in defense of it's best interests. Participants will learn of successful strategies employed in two citizen's campaigns, one to stop the siting of a gas power plant and another ongoing campaign to keep plutonium from being used in local nuclear plants. ORG: South Carolina Green Party. Presenter: Gregg Jocoy, active Green, environmentalist, consumer activist, (803) 984-5414,, 203 Pond View Lane, Fort Mill, SC, 29715.
  • Reclaiming Our Energy, Environment & Economics through Democracy. A workshop that explores the interrelationships between energy, environment and economics and how democracy on local, state and national level can begin the integration of these broad issues towards a legitimately sustainable society that protects our natural environment, with a specific emphasis on currently introduced NC Senate and House legislation. ORG: Southern Energy & Environment Expo. Presenter: Ned Doyle, Director, (828) 696 3877,, P.O. Box 1562, Etowah, NC, 28729
  • The Truth about Money in Politics. A workshop focusing on the tremendous and growing influence that money has over national, state and local elections. Participants will be given data on the rising costs of campaigns, demographic information of business and individual campaign contributors, "making the link" between large campaign contributions and governmental policy decisions ORG: Democracy North Carolina. Presenter: Adam Sotak, (919) 967-9942 x11,, 105 Main Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510.
  • The Economic Crisis in Local governments: Is the Participatory Budget Model a Solution? A workshop exploring the recent experiences of Nathanette Mayo of the Black Workers for Justice, having just returned from the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre where she learned about the difference it's making in re-claiming democracy in Brazil and Argentina, such as improving city services, improving working conditions, eliminating huge deficits, and making the cities a good place in which to do business. ORG: Black Workers for Justice. Presenters: Nathanette Mayo, Cultural Coordinator for Black Workers for Justice, Trustee of NC Public Service Workers Union, and Anagaza Laughinghouse, Vice Chair (919) 876-7187,, P.O. Box 5574, Raleigh, NC 27650.
  • Creative Non-Violence. This workshop is offered as a tool for creative conflict resolution and consists of active listening skills and practice, inspirational examples of non-violent response to conflict and offers resources for participant's further learning. ORG: Western North Carolina Peace Coalition Presenters: Lola LaFey, B.A. and Bill Evans. Contact: Lola LaFey, (828) 277 0758,, 362 London Rd., Asheville, NC 28803
  • Stop Nuclear Madness: Grass Roots Action for Taking Back Our Planet. A Workshop on the threat to democracy posed by extremist nuclear ambitions on earth and in space by the Bush administration, the renewed threat of nuclear war with a special emphasis on the Bush administration's Nuclear Posture Review, plus abrogation of the ABM Treaty, refusal to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and more. Also, an opportunity to discover strategies for addressing the problem, including efforts in the United Nations and World Court, international NGO's, Abolition 2000, and grassroots strategies to challenging the nuclear state. ORG: Proposition One Committee. Presenters: John Steinbach, author "Nuclear Nightmare" and Secretary Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee and Ellen Thomas, Peace Park Anti-Nuclear Vigil and Proposition One Committee. Contact: John Steinbach, (703) 369-7427,, 7615 Lake Drive, Manassas, VA, 20111.
  • Voter-Owned Elections-Public Financing of Campaigns. Want to know what will change the political climate in our nation? This workshop focuses on the "Voter-Owned Elections" model for public financing of campaigns and the movement in North Carolina. Activists will discuss grassroots strategy to make public financing of campaigns a reality on the local, state and national level. ORG: Democracy North Carolina. Presenter: Adam Sotak, (919) 967-9942 x11,, 105 Main Street, Carrboro, NC, 27510.
  • Tools for Reclaiming Our Democracy & Freedom in America. A Workshop that examines the emerging movement and offers tools to expose and challenge the fiction of corporations with an individual citizen's "rights", explores the solutions of proportional representation and positive examples of expanding our choices to make elections meaningful, and challenges to the new 'electoral' corporations'. ORG: Pure Food Partners Presenters: Lance Kurland, Board of Pure Food Partners, singer/songwriter, 200 NC Statehouse candidate for Reform/Natural Law party and Patryk Battle, Organic Farmer, activist.
  • Policing the Police: Creating Accountability in their Role as Public Servants and Peacekeepers. A Workshop reviewing the recent history of civil rights violations in Asheville, including video tape of dozens of recent arrests of demonstrators; an outline of efforts and successes in other cities regarding the establishment of citizen oversight committees; and a proposal and structure for a citizen's oversight committee for the Asheville Police Dept., along with an invitation to participate in this grassroots effort to pass an effective and appropriate ordinance. ORG: American Civil Liberties Union, WNC Chapter. Presenters: Lynn Johnson and Karen L. VanEman, President of the Board, ACLU/WNC Chapter. (828) 258-1082,, 27 Green Leaf Circle, Asheville, NC, 28804.
  • Bioregionalism: An Organizing Principle for Local Empowerment. This workshop will look at the power of bioregional thinking and activism, examine the history of the bioregional movement in the southern Appalachians and North America, and explore some tantalizing potential futures for our bioregion and how you can help bring them to realization. Bioregionalism is a powerful potential as a political networking and organizing tool for local and regional self-empowerment as a way for people to make a difference in their own communities. ORG: Earthaven Association. Presenters: Chuck Marsh, Shawn Swartz, and Chris Farmer; (828) 669-3937,,, 1025 Camp Elliot Road, Black Mountain, NC 28711.
  • Town Meeting. The Town Meeting is an opportunity for our community to voice their concerns, talk to our guests, and present their views about where we can go from here to take what we have learned to the streets. We have incredible intelligence and wisdom in our community, and many solutions to our problems lies in communication. Many times we each have one piece of the puzzle that allows us to see the big picture. Alone we do not have the money and resources of the corporate interests and media in our country, but we have a desire for change, a love of the freedoms we see changing, and only by uniting and communicating can we make real and effective transformation. We need your help and input to make this happen...this is YOUR chance.