Protect All Children's Environment

E.M.T. O'Nan, Director
396 Sugar Cove Road
Marion, NC    28752


tel: 828-724-4221
fax: 828-724-4177

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About PACE

PACE was established in 1987 in response to the needs of people being poisoned by contamination of homes with the now banned pesticide, chlordane.  It became heartbreakingly apparent that there were few if any supports for pesticide victims.  There were well organized nonprofit groups with information and advice on pesticides, who served as brilliant lobbyists in Washington.  But few of these groups welcomed the grief and frustration expressed by pesticide victims.

PACE exists to respond to the need for comfort and support by pesticide victims.  PACE provides support to fellow pesticide survivors on an all volunteer, not-for-profit basis.  There are no charges for information, counseling or other services.  PACE is unique in that true empathy is expressed through shared experience.

PACE volunteers have truly experienced the grief of betrayal by pesticide manufacturers, applicators, state and federal regulators, politicians, doctors, and attorneys.  Often even our families and closest friends fail to recognize our suffering and injuries and thereby compound the pain.

PACE volunteers know the shock and consequent depression and anger felt when pesticides have wrecked our lives and we discover there is no social service agency to help.  Families can become homeless and disabled over night.  Marriages often end in divorce.  Chemically disabled children can no longer attend school.  Few doctors can even diagnose pesticide effects.  There is no effective treatment for pesticide injuries.  Families become more and more isolated.

If Social Security does approve the chemical disabilities of the pesticide survivor, but most often it does not, Medicare and Medicaid do not provide necessary support or care.  Finding any form of medical care for pesticide injuries is nearly impossible, always frustrating, physically depleting and demanding.

People disabled by chemical poisoning who have become chemically sensitized suffer additional injury and illness from toxic exposures encountered in their doctors office, medical clinic or hospital.  PACE volunteers know, they have walked a mile in the shoes of a pesticide survivor.  PACE acts as a resource for research and information into legal, medical and industry facts surrounding pesticide issues.

PACE serves as a clearinghouse for information gleaned by pesticide survivors on legal and medical experts.  This service is a legal and medical referral process directed by and for pesticide survivors.  PACE monitors pesticide victim's cases for fairness and comprehension on the part of physicians, scientists, judges, attorneys, jurors, social service providers and others that influence the lives of pesticide survivors.

Particular care is taken to research, record, and monitor children who are disabled and injured by pesticides.  PACE urges the establishment of pesticide manufacturer funded alternate housing, household goods, and schooling, provision of medical care, and financial support for injured, disabled, dispossessed and homeless pesticide victims while they await the lengthy judicial process.

PACE recommends that funds for these emergency provisions be provided by a use tax on pesticides.  This fund would serve as interim support for victims and a manufacturer incentive to settle suits fairly and expeditiously in order to keep use taxes at their lowest.  Use taxes on pesticides would have the added benefit of reducing pesticide use as recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Pesticides are responsible for a significant portion of people disabled by chemical poisoning.  These disabilities often result in severe reactions to very low levels of many chemicals.

PACE recommends establishment of "Medical Sanctuaries for the Chemically Disabled".  Public taxes are used to provide sanctuaries for any number of threatened animals.  Public taxes should also be used to provide sanctuaries for children and others disabled by chemical poisoning as a result of dangerous products that should never have been on the market.  The chemically poisoned are constantly threatened by the modern world's ubiquitous use of chemicals.

TAX-FUNDED LEAST-TOXIC HOUSING in environmentally pristine sanctuary areas within Federal Forest Lands are needed for persons disabled by chemical poisoning.  These "Medical Sanctuaries for the Chemically Disabled" should provide:

1. Schooling for all ages of people disabled by chemical poisoning, at all levels.  Schooling should include remedial assistance for chemically induced brain injuries.

2. Specialized home health care services such as extended shopping services and specialized cleaning services to prevent additional exposures.

3. Provision of least toxic exercise, sauna, and swimming facilities.  Public facilities of this type are not accessible to people disabled by chemical poisoning due to injurious levels of toxic exposures.

4. Individual housing units with minimal ten acre protective bumper zones around each housing unit.  Shared housing such as apartments or duplex housing is not accessible for persons disabled by chemical poisoning due to communication of odors between units and the great variety of products causing various reactions.

5. Centralized nursing home facilities are needed for persons disabled by chemical poisoning.  Conventional nursing homes represent a particular nightmare for the chemically disabled who are too elderly of fragile to care for themselves without nursing home type assistance.  The constant assaults from toxic exposures in cleaning products and from other nursing home patients make life a particular misery.  The never ending need to educate the high turn over of workers concerning the need to refrain from wearing neurotoxic personal body products.

6. Food preparation areas for those who need assistance with food preparation and special diets.

7. Communal organic gardening area to provide guaranteed source of organic food.  Public support for pesticide victims ought to be provided.

Despite the federal law entitled the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which mandates access for the chemically disabled, there are few provisions made.  The Disabilities Rights Section, Division of Civil Rights within the Department of Justice, according to a Justice Dept. worker, has not taken action on a single complaint from a person disabled by chemical poisoning.  Reports of abusive behavior, obvious prejudice and discrimination on the part of the bureaucracy mandated to protect people disabled by chemical poisoning are all too frequent.

The Justice Dept. allows disability bigots to require a higher standard of proof of disability for access provisions from persons disabled by chemical poisoning.  The Justice Dept. justifies this by saying this discrimination is allowable because people disabled by chemical poisoning have "invisible disabilities".  There are many people disabled by lung and heart conditions as well as others that are similarly "invisibly disabled", yet they are not challenged and vilified in this manner.

PACE is working to expand public understanding and ADA compliance in this area.  Access provisions are unavoidably necessary in hospitals, doctors offices and clinics.  Hence, PACE is diligently working to bring compliance to medical care facilities.

Political power and fairness are not available to people disabled by chemical poisoning if they do not have access to public hearings and meetings.  PACE works to gain access to public venues for all people disabled by chemical poisoning.  Children disabled by chemical poisoning suffer lifetime isolation, public neglect, ridicule and abuse.

There are less than a handful of schools that accommodate the needs of these children.  Disabled children are frequently denied needed remedial assistance from chemically induced injuries by schools, Medicaid, and insurance companies.  Remedial therapy is particularly needed for subtle neurological brain damage such as mild toxic encephalopathy.  There is no summer camping facility, Special Olympics, or therapeutic riding facility that considers the needs or accommodates chemically disabled children.

PACE supports the establishment of children's facilities and specialized remedial therapies for the chemically disabled child.  PACE provides public comment on behalf of pesticide survivors for the edification of elected and regulatory officials as well as public service providers.  PACE provides support for pesticide survivors during petitions and hearings with regulatory agencies.

PACE issues press releases and letters to editors in support of protective and sustainable public policy.  Although PACE volunteers work with physical handicaps, often in pain and usually under financial duress...they persistently attempt to relieve the suffering of other pesticide victims because they know and live the anguish of the pesticide survivor and because in doing so they find comfort themselves.

Disabilities caused by chemical poisonings are truly preventable.  PACE hopes that through persistence and education these tragic injuries will end.

Please join PACE in a show of support for pesticide survivors.  Ask your public officials to provide for the needs of people disabled by chemical poisons.  Please take action to prevent future disabilities by using alternatives to pesticides and other toxic products.

PACE asks for no monetary donations, although they are gladly accepted.  We would ask for your compassion; for you to take the extra time to educate yourself and others about chemical injuries and disabilities; and we ask for your prayers, moral support and solidarity in our efforts to comfort the poisoned and stop the poisoning.

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Protect All Children's Environment