Southwestern North Carolina
SWNC Area Agency On Aging
Area Agency On Aging
P. O. Box 850
Bryson City, NC 28713
(828) 488-9211
Mary Barker, Aging Administrator
Jeanne Mathews, Aging Coordinator
Sarajane Melton, Ombudsman
Tamara McGee, Aging Program Assistant
The Southwestern North Carolina Area Agency On Aging is a federal agency serving a 7 county area in southwestern North Carolina. The counties served are Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Swain, Macon, Jackson and Haywood. Services provided by this agency are:
1) Advocacy, generally and individually for seniors requesting help. Makes comments on all rules and regulations, proposed laws and projects affecting the elderly.
2) Legal Services: Provides seniors with simple Wills, Living Wills and emergency Powers of Attorney through a contract with a local attorney. Persons must be 60 years old or older.
3) Provides county governments and aging groups with assistance in planning for the needs of the elderly; in coordinating services for them, and in the use of funds for the aging.
4) Provides Long Term Care Ombudsman services to residents, their families and others in regard to quality of services in Rest Homes and Nursing Homes. Works with Rest Home and Nursing Home Community Advisory Committees made up of local citize
ns to resolve complaints.
5) Provides training and education on the prevention and reporting of Elder Abuse.
6) Provides Health Promotion activities to groups of seniors in Senior Centers, Nutrition Sites, Senior Games, etc. through Title III-F Funds.
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Jackson County Service Directory
Jackson County Home Page