Thousands of used books for sale in the Annex next to the library at 773 West Main St. in Sylva, N.C. Paperback, hardbound and magazines. Some old and rare.
Become a Friend of the Library (your membership is tax deductable) and do yourself and your Library a big favor. Friends provide assistance to the provide assistance to the Library through the sale of used books and memberships. As a r esult, special items can be purchased which enhance the quality of the Library. Friends also volunteer their time in various ways. Join the Friends of the Library--find new friends and help make a better community.
Name ______________________________ | () Regular | $10 |
Address ____________________________ | () Contributing | $25 |
__________________________________ | () Sponsor | $50 |
Phone _____________________________ | () Patron | $100 |
Would you like to help the Library? This can involve as little or as much time as you wish to give.
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