Local businessman helping preserve mountain views
By Harrison Metzger
Times-News Staff
January 3, 2001
this story.
 Boyd 'Bub' Hyder has moved to
protect several acres of mountain land. Photo by Patrick
Sullivan. |
friends in an ever-changing world, the tops of Bald Top, Wethero and
Bearwallow mountains rise over the apple country of eastern
Henderson County.
People in the future should see basically the same view of
Wethero, the middle mountain in the chain, thanks to local
businessman Boyd "Bub" Hyder.
Two years ago, Hyder donated a conservation easement on 180 acres
on the mountain to the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy, ensuring
the land will stay in its natural state. Now he has done it again,
protecting another 95 acres from development.
"I'm getting a little older, and I wanted to make sure when I
left here some of the things were left the way I like them," said
The 59-year-old county native is the owner of Hyder Trucking Co.
and developer of much of the real estate along Four Seasons
"I've developed some in town, and that's where I like to see it
developed," he said.
But the conservation easement will ensure that the 275 mountain
acres will remain forest, a home for animals ranging from songbirds
to black bear, said Kieran Roe, executive director of the Carolina
Mountain Land Conservancy.
"I think it is notable that someone who is a native landowner
with long ties to the community is willing to voluntarily enter into
the sort of agreement that will restrict his land use, partly
because he wants to see certain parts of the community stay
undeveloped," Roe said Tuesday. "It's my hope he will serve as an
example to other landowners who might want to consider this kind of
Conservation easements are permanent deed restrictions which
limit the development potential of land while reducing its tax
value. The local land conservancy can design easements to fit the
needs and desires of landowners who want to hold onto their property
and keep it green.
Some easements, for instance, can allow for a set number of homes
to be built or allow for activities such as grazing and logging. The
easement Hyder recently placed on the 95 acres ensures the land will
remain in a completely natural state.
Unlike some programs that reduce the local property tax value of
land used for forestry, conservation easements do not require that
land be logged or managed, Roe said.
Landowners who donate an easement can take a federal income tax
deduction and state income tax credit for the development value they
forego, Roe said. A professional appraiser determines the amount.
The Wethero mountain land is home to two plants being monitored
by the N.C. Natural Heritage program, the grotto alumroot and
Carolina hemlock, Roe said. The property contains three different
Southern Appalachian forest types and four areas of rock
outcroppings, with elevations rising to about 3,000 feet.
"Protecting the scenic view is a strong benefit, since Wethero
Mountain is visible from a good percentage of the
Edneyville/Fruitland community," Roe said. "The property is also in
the Clear Creek watershed, so it (the easement) is helping to
protect water quality."
Hyder, who is single and has no children, said he may in the
future transfer the deed to the land to a nonprofit group, possibly
Boy Scout Troop 605 of Edneyville. He is also talking with friends
who own significant property about the value of keeping land in its
natural state.