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James Patterson Celebration & Signing @ Malaprop's

6 Sep 2014

Saturday, September 6 from 6 to 8 pm


The beloved author of the Alex Cross books, the Maximum Ride series, the Homeroom Diaries

series, Treasure Hunters, and many more will join us for a champagne toast and book signing!

We’ll be celebrating the generous grant Mr. Patterson gave to us as part of his Million Dollar

campaign to help indie bookstores. Tickets are free and 75 ticket holders will be first in line to

have their books signed after the toast, then the signing line will open up to the public. Mr.

Patterson will sign as many books as possible until the event’s end at 8 pm.
Malaprop’s Bookstore & Café

55 Haywood St.

Asheville, NC 28801
