Regular Shirts

Custom Shirts

Custom Logos



Yoga by Design, a service of Bob Boeberitz Design, produces T-shirts for yoga studios and their students. All of our shirts are made of the best-quality 100% heavyweight cotton. Our regular line of shirts (shown below) can be purchased at wholesale prices in quantities of 12 or more for resale by yoga studios and retailers.

Click here for our custom line of shirts which can be
personalized with your yoga studio's name.

1. Inner Peace, Harmony, Balance
(Two colors)

2. Seated Twist
(Two colors)

3. Triangle
(Three colors)

4. There’s No Place Like Om
(Three colors)


Regular Shirts

Custom Shirts

Custom Logos


Largest Directory of Yoga Studios on the Internet

For other graphic design services go to :
Bob Boeberitz Design, 247 Charlotte St, Asheville, NC 28801
, 828 258-0316,

©2003-11 Bob Boeberitz Design.