The first autos sold in town were Ford, by Shade Joines
The first car may have been owned by Bob Bare.
John Weaver had the first ice cream parlor
Stockyard started in 1938-40, tobacco warehouses earlier
Livery stable where City Florist was...buggies, hacks, and wagons, owned by Bynum Faw of Lansing
Badgers started in Jefferson, building wooden coffins and holding overbight wakes
Original High School dormitory, wooden, six grades in county, towns had High School, Bynum Faw's daughter ran it, cooked food, she married a Dickson
Vance Woody ran a dray wagon from the Depot, delivered shipped goods from Sears and Montgomery Wards
John Anders Richardson had a dry goods store on the corner where pizza place was (1985) - his daughter had a 5&10 next door
Morgan Jones had a dry goods store, sold shoes and cloth, newer clothes, ready-made by then, groceries too
Main Street and the highway had a square cement planter at center, with a tree growing in it, the corner that has been the Department store was a gas station, possibly Gulf
1922 - Bank on corner, Post Office right side of Jefferson Times, corner where 1st Union was (1985)
WJ hardware corner, two dentists offices upstairs, Ray Drug next door, Hamilton-Price Co next to that
The second theatre was a wooden building, boards on barrels for seats, folks called it the "picture house", behind Burgess on the backstreet
Thomasville plant started as just sawmills, cut lumber, bought logs, stacked lumber, a little building there, bottomed chairs with cane for twenty-five cents, later built frames and new chairs
Where Roten's Electric was, was Dr. Reeves office
1915 printing office, sold to Skyland Post which started early in town
End of WWII, people gathered at railroad tracks, boys returned home "hooping and hollering"
Big July 4th in 1922, first airplane flew in, circled town, took people up for rides
McGuires Root and Herb bought roots
Medical doctor's wagon came to town with snake oils
The "haunted Jackson house" - across from Colvard's
The "Bloody Bucket" restaurant, carl Miller and wife, hung himself upstairs
K.K.K. in Ashe, met above GC (?) Hardware, 1920's - 30's, they'd walk town hooded and talk with people, burnt crosses as warnings, drug people out and whipped them, "People got fed up with them fast..." the law stopped it, pastor of First Baptist was rumored to be involved..."in the hall robes hanging up... until then the town didn't have much law...they disbanded."
There was cockfighting, but more so it was in Wilkes County
S. Shumake possibly first town policeman, 1915 |