M@IN - Accessing Spatial Data Tutorial

GIS Visual

GIS Data is collected by data layer or "theme". . .
. . . such as boundaries.

"Themes" define features using one or more feature "types".
Roads are defined by LINE features.
These Air Quality Pollution Discharge Locations
are defined by POINT features.
Hydrographic (water) features are defined
by both LINE features (for streams),
and AREA features (for lakes and ponds).

Each individual feature is uniquely numbered, and this number
identifies a row in a table where the feature's attributes are stored.
1 landing strip 1500 feet long ashpalt
2 runway 1200 feet long gravel
3 phone line 30000 feet long fiber optic

The "themes" are then layered on top of each other ...
When viewed in a GIS, these layers
visually appear as one graphic, but are
actually still independent of each other.
This allows changes to specific themes, without
affecting the others.
Overlaying themes creates "maps"

What are Spatial Data? Back to Page 4

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